NYIT Debuts The Box Blog

January 21, 2015

As we start fresh in 2015, NYIT Communications and Marketing has reimagined how we deliver information to you. During the past year, we brainstormed strategies to transform NYIT's internal publications, notably our e-newsletters—the NYIT Update for faculty and staff and the NYIT Student Update for current students—into a more flexible format: the all-inclusive digital news blog, The Box.

We designed the blog to serve internal and external audiences with content that tells the hundreds of stories found around every corner of our campuses and beyond. Unlike e-newsletters, blog content lives on and on and is updated more frequently and creatively. We want you to keep coming back to The Box for our latest news, events, people profiles, multimedia features, and special series and commentaries by and for members of the NYIT community.

The success of The Box ultimately hinges on you. Get involved and share your ideas and stories. Perhaps you're a student leader passionate about your experiences on campus or at an internship. Tell us your story and share your photos. Or you're a professor working with students on a research project that will benefit the world at large. Explain why it's important and we'll work with you to convey the details to others. If you're a staff member in contact with interesting students, alumni, or others, we want to know. They may be great sources to follow up with for the blog. Read more about The Box and how to contribute.

Thanks to President Guiliano for supporting The Box and to members of the NYIT community who enthusiastically contributed content for the blog's launch and the days to come.

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An Alumnus’ Commitment to the Environment

As an energy management graduate from New York Tech’s Vancouver campus, Jasdeep Gulati (M.S. ’22) is highly invested in educating people about environmental and climate sustainability.

Vancouver Faculty Win University-Sponsored Research Awards in New Program

The new Global Impact Research Grant (GIRG) program has been developed to keep Vancouver-based faculty connected to faculty and research projects being conducted on the university’s New York campuses.

Studying Climate Change One Degree at a Time

Junhua Qu (M.S. ’24) began her collegiate journey in Beijing. But, her interest in climate change took her to New York Tech’s Vancouver campus to study energy management.