Alumni Profile: Mujeebuddin Mohammed

Degree: M.B.A. ’19
Major: Business Administration
Current Job: Store Administrator/Human Resources Manager, Loblaw Companies Limited
Off to a Successful Start
Mujeebuddin Mohammed (M.B.A. ’19) is a wizard with numbers. He demonstrates his talents at Loblaw Companies Limited, a Canadian supermarket chain, where he works as a store administrator and human resources manager. Mohammed sat down with The Box to talk about his career, plans for the future, and time at New York Tech.
What were your most rewarding experiences at New York Tech?
Getting my master’s was my most rewarding university experience. I was challenged every day by my courses, and I worked very hard to earn my degree. I dedicated myself to my studies for those two years, working hard in class and seeking help whenever I needed it. I have never felt as proud as I did at my university graduation.
Sounds like you found New York Tech to be a supportive environment.
Yes, the professors were always there and made it clear that they wanted to help me understand the material and do well. Sometimes something isn’t clear, and you just need someone to take the time [to explain things]. I always felt like professors did that. It makes you feel great that they care so much.
Tell us about your career.
Currently, I am working as a store administrator/human resource manager with Loblaw Companies Limited. Also, I plan to take the CPA (certified public accountant) exam and want to open my own firm in the future.
Those who know me well can attest that I approach almost every decision in my life from a logic-driven perspective. I always had a love for numbers and really enjoyed my accounting courses in university, so I’ve known this was the path for me since I was young.
Can you tell us about your daily responsibilities?
Where should I begin? There is so much I enjoy about this job: Meeting people, helping the public, getting to know my colleagues. In my current position, I do a lot of things, including payroll for 250 colleagues, all hiring needs for the company, as well as onboarding and training for new hires. Plus, I do accounts receivable/payable.
You must have a flair for organization to do all of that.
I love making it all work, and I want to put my skill towards becoming a CPA. I really can see the path heading in a positive direction.