Alumni Profile: Ramon Ray

Degree: B.S. ’07
Major: Marketing
Current Position: Founder and CEO of Smart Hustle.com
A Lighthearted Approach to Success
If there is a recurring theme in Ramon Ray’s (B.S. ’07) life and work, it would be the importance of having fun. “I like to have fun, and I love people,” says Ray, who has an infectious joy in his voice and an inherent enthusiasm in the way he communicates. “Inspiration is a really important part of the process.”
The New Jersey resident and father of two is the founder and CEO of SmartHustle.com, a media company that works with people to start and grow successful small businesses. SmartHustle also helps large technology brands like Dell, Microsoft, and FedEx connect with small business owners through blogs, articles, and videos. “In everything we do, we want to be sure to have a dose (a big dose) of fun and excitement,” Ray states on his website. “We like to laugh and don’t take ourselves too seriously.”
Despite his lighthearted outlook, Ray does take success very seriously, and this blend of fun and focus has paid off. To date, he has launched four businesses, two of which, Small Business Summit and SmallBizTechnology.com, he successfully sold. As busy as he is, he still has his eye on the future. “I hope to start another four or five businesses before I die!”
According to Ray, his time at New York Tech helped prepare him for his professional life in unexpected ways. “At New York Tech, I was a part of student government, and that involvement helped me hone the skill of public speaking, practice being a professional, being an adult, and sharpen my sales skills,” he says. As the business manager of the Student Government Association, he sold sponsorships for the student newspaper. He was also a member of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) and worked closely with the dean of the College of Engineering and Computing Sciences and his assistant through that affiliation. “I’m not even really an academic person, but going to school and learning was important for a lot of reasons. Getting that academic certification sets you apart, and my time at New York Tech challenged me and prepared me for life.”
Over the years, Ray has taken time to come back and speak to New York Tech students who are aspiring to start their own businesses, get involved with marketing, or are just looking for a bit of inspiration. “It’s our work as humans to help other humans and make the world a better place for those who come up after us,” he says. “I had people who helped me out on my journey, and so I want to do the same.”