Staff Profile: Nancy Borchers

Title: Associate Registrar
Office: Registrar
Campus: Long Island
Joined New York Tech: 1983
All in the (New York Tech) Family
Nancy Borchers (B.S. ’94) has a special connection to New York Tech. The alumna not only met her husband, Donald Borchers (B.S. ’93) at the school, but her sister-in-law is also a graduate, her parents took adult education classes here, and her mother worked in human resources for 15 years. You might say she was destined for New York Tech.
Borchers began working at the university 35 years ago as a temporary employee in the Office of the Bursar, stuffing envelopes. She has come a long way since then. Today, she works with New York Tech’s student veterans as associate registrar. On any given day, you can find her managing the student records system, determining students’ eligibility for New York State’s Tuition Assistance Program, or advising the New York Tech Student Veterans Organization as the group’s chapter advisor.
“I try to make it as easy as possible regarding the veteran’s education benefits, from when they first attend New York Tech and up until they graduate,” says Borchers. “Our student veterans have served our country, and it makes me want to help each student as much as I possibly can.”
Working with the student veterans is what she loves most about her job and has increased her appreciation for their service. Borchers herself comes from a military family. Her father served in the U.S. Air Force, and her great aunt was an army nurse in World War II.
“My passion to assist, counsel, and mentor our student veterans has grown since I began working at New York Tech,” she says. And that passion shines through every day. “One student in particular had issues receiving VA benefits for his housing because of the number of credits he was taking. He was ready to withdraw from New York Tech. I called my liaison at the VA, and we worked it out. He was extremely happy and went on to graduate from New York Tech,” she recalls. But the story doesn’t end there. Her assistance and willingness to help made such an impression on him that he took it upon himself to advertise on behalf of New York Tech at the VFW in Hicksville, N.Y. “Because of customer service like this, students then tell their fellow veterans to attend New York tech, which is very rewarding.”
However, she says she couldn’t do it alone. Borchers is grateful to New York Tech President Hank Foley, Ph.D., for showing his support for student veterans, as well as the New York Tech Veterans Support Committee and Student Veterans Organization. “They are the reason veterans support is growing extensively at New York Tech,” she says. “I really enjoy working with all parties because everyone is doing their job for the same reason: to assist our student veterans in reaching their goals and making it better for new veterans who attend New York Tech.”