Student Profile: Eboni Odom

Hometown: Long Island, N.Y.
Major: B.S., Electrical and Computer Engineering
Year Expected to Graduate: 2021
Campus: Long Island
Eboni Odom is a junior majoring in Electrical and Computer Engineering and president of the Campus Programming Board (CPB), which aims to engage students and enhance student life by creating events that bring together the Long Island campus community.
From an early age, Odom has had a fascination with technology. “I wanted to build and create things,” she says. That, and the fact that her father is an alumnus, helped her make the decision to attend New York Tech.
Can you talk about some of your other accomplishments outside of school?
I won the Junior Moxxie Award from the Moxxie Mentoring Foundation, which is a Long Island-based women’s mentorship program. Being part of this organization has meant being surrounded by professional women who are interested in sharing their experiences. These women became mentors to me. The Moxxie Foundation organizes a series of events throughout the year as well as field trips to big companies like Google, LinkedIn, and Canon.
How is New York Tech preparing you for the future?
I think I’m taking challenging courses, which I know will help me separate from other candidates when applying for work. Being part of the CPB also helps and supports me in my academic journey.
What do you love about New York Tech?
I like how the Student Engagement Office is supportive and dedicated to creating a safe and welcoming environment for all students. I also love the community at the school and I have made many lifelong friends on campus.
Are you currently working somewhere?
Currently, I work for a startup company called ExMachina SoundWorks as their junior engineer. They specialize in the production of professional-grade loudspeakers and studio equipment. With this job, I am not only able to utilize my skills as an engineer but am surrounded by people who share my love of music in an environment where we are the creators of beautiful sound.
What would be your dream job?
It has always been a dream of mine to work for NASA.
What advice do you have for incoming students?
Have fun! New students should try hard to find that perfect balance between academics and being involved with extracurricular activities.