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> student handbook us edition
> student code of conduct
Section 1 – Preamble
In its mission to provide a career-oriented education, New York Institute of Technology strives to create a community of students, faculty, and staff intent on teaching, learning, and researching. As members of this learning community, students and faculty must work together to ask difficult questions of what we know and to discover what we have yet to learn.
The foundation of academic work is intellectual integrity, credibility, and trust. A learning community can only be maintained if its members believe that their work is judged fairly and held to the highest academic and ethical standards. For these reasons, it is essential that all members of the New York Tech community understand our shared standards of academic honesty. More than just a series of regulations, the Academic Integrity Policy serves as a guide and resource for students and faculty for understanding these standards and their importance in the mission of the university.
Section 2 – Definitions
a. Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is the pursuit of scholarly work in an open, honest, and responsible manner. Academic integrity is a basic guiding principle for all academic activity, and all members of the university community are expected to act in accordance with this principle. Academic integrity includes a commitment to engage in academic work that adheres to the highest standards of academic honesty. These standards include purposeful avoidance of plagiarism, cheating, misrepresentation, unauthorized collaboration, or any efforts at facilitating any academic deception. Such acts of dishonesty violate the fundamental and ethical principles of the community and compromise the worth of work completed by others.
Additionally, dishonesty in a workplace or educational setting can lead to serious consequences, up to and including termination of employment or expulsion from school. New York Tech takes seriously its mission to uphold academic integrity and to educate its students to use integrity in all of their work.
b. Academic Dishonesty
All members of the New York Tech community are expected to apply high standards of academic integrity and ethical behavior in completing assignments for evaluation, testing, research, and publication. Any practice or conduct by a member of the New York Tech community that deviates from the ethical standards that are expected within the professional community, and as outlined in this policy, constitutes academic dishonesty. Academic integrity violations encompass any act that compromises the integrity of the educational process. These violations include, but are not limited to:
- Plagiarism: Plagiarism refers to representing the words or ideas of another as one's own in any academic exercise without providing proper documentation of source. It is the responsibility of all students to understand the methods of proper attribution and to apply those principles in all written, oral, and electronic submissions. This information is available from instructors, library staff, library website, and at the Writing Center. Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Copying information word for word from a source without using quotation marks and without giving proper acknowledgement by way of footnote, endnote, or intertextual note.
- Paraphrasing or putting into one's own words information from a source without providing proper acknowledgement/citation.
- Reproducing without proper citation any other form of work of another person, such as a musical phrase, a proof, experimental data, laboratory report, graphics design or computer code.
- Self-plagiarizing, including handing in the same paper, or reuse of a musical phrase, proof, experimental data, laboratory report, graphics design or computer code, for more than one course without the explicit permission of the instructor.
- Unauthorized purchasing, possessing, taking, copying, or sharing of information to complete academic work.
- Unauthorized assistance with academic work (e.g. excessive editorial assistance, translation services, applications, and sites, etc.)
- Cheating: Cheating refers to intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise. Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Copying from another student's examination, research paper, case write-up, lab report, homework assignment, or computer program.
- Possessing or using unauthorized notes, text, or other aids during an examination, quiz, or other assignment.
- Looking at someone else's exam before or during an examination.
- Possessing an electronic device that contains unauthorized information for a test or assignment such as programming one's computer or calculator to gain an unfair advantage.
- Soliciting, obtaining, possessing, or providing to another person an examination or portions of an exam prior or subsequent to the administration of the exam.
- Talking, whispering, or using a cell phone during an examination for the purpose of obtaining answers to questions.
- Unauthorized Collaboration: Unauthorized collaboration refers to working with other students without the instructor's permission in the preparation and presentation of reports, laboratory reports, homework assignments, take-home exams, term papers, research projects, case studies, or otherwise failing to abide by the instructor's rules governing the academic exercise where the expectation is that the work to be completed is an individual and independent effort. Working in teams and collaborating with others in completing group projects and other assignments is an effective teaching pedagogy used by some instructors. However, collaborative learning must be sanctioned by the instructor. Students are encouraged to consult with the instructor if they are unsure about the assignment, course expectations, or what constitutes unauthorized collaboration.
- Unauthorized Online Collaboration: Unauthorized online collaboration refers to using websites and/or social media during examinations, taking pictures of examination questions, and sharing via email, social media, etc.
- Unauthorized use of Generative AI (i.e. including ChatGPT, Sudowrite, Gemini, CoPilot, and others): "Generative AI (GenAI) refers to a subset of artificial intelligence technologies capable of creating new data, such as text, images, music, or video, that resembles but does not exactly replicate the input data," (OpenAI, 2024. ChatGPT (Mar 5 version) [Large language model]). It is the responsibility of all students to understand that Generative AI tools should not be used in the completion of course assignments unless an instructor for a given course specifically authorizes their use. Please refer to individual course syllabi or course assignment instructions for further information. Examples of unauthorized use of Generative AI include (but are not limited to):
- Using GenAI tools to generate entire essays or any portions of written assignments, and representing them as one's own.
- Using GenAI in brainstorming, outlining, paraphrasing, or rewriting.
- Using GenAI without proper attribution, unless the instructor has stated that citation is not necessary.
- Using GenAI to generate answers to questions in online assessments or take-home assignments.
- Using GenAI to generate programming code snippets or to complete programs.
- Using GenAI to generate responses to discussion prompts or to engage in online course discussions.
- Using GenAI in language courses to translate assignments or generate text in the target language.
- Using GenAI tools to create fake identities for online classes or to fulfill participation requirements in group projects.
- Fabrication: Fabrication refers to the intentional and unauthorized falsification, misrepresentation, or invention of any information, data, or citation in any academic exercise. Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Falsifying or altering the data collected in the conduct of research.
- Making up a source as a citation in an assignment or citing a source one did not use.
- Attempting to deceive the instructor by altering and resubmitting as original work or for additional credit assignments, tests, quizzes, or exams that have been graded and returned, or that have been submitted for another course or academic exercise.
- Stating an opinion as a scientifically proven fact.
- Facilitation: Facilitation refers to intentionally or knowingly assisting any person in the commission of an academic integrity violation. Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Allowing another student to copy one's answers during an examination.
- Giving another student one's own assignment or paper to copy answers to a test or assignment.
- Taking an examination or writing a paper for another student.
- Inaccurately listing someone as co-author of a paper, case write-up, lab report, or project, who did not contribute.
- Signing an attendance sheet for a student who was not present in class.
- Misrepresentation: Misrepresentation refers to intentionally engaging in deceptive practices and misusing one's relationship with the college to gain an unfair advantage in the admissions process, access to programs and facilities, employment opportunities, and any academic exercise. Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Arranging for another student to substitute for oneself during an examination session or in the completion of coursework.
- Taking credit for work not done, such as taking credit for a group assignment without participating or contributing to the extent expected.
- Falsifying, misusing, omitting, or tampering with official college information in any form, including written, oral, or electronic, including test scores, transcripts, letters of recommendation, or statements of purpose to gain initial or continued access to the college's programs or facilities.
- Altering, changing, forging, or misusing academic records or any official college form regarding oneself.
- Causing any false information to be presented at an academic proceeding or intentionally destroying evidence important to an academic proceeding.
- Reporting an academic integrity violation known to be false.
- Misrepresenting or falsifying class attendance or that of another student.
- Participation in Dishonest Acts: Some dishonest acts that undermine the fundamental values of an intellectual community fall outside of the more specific academic integrity violations described above. Examples include, but are not limited to:
- Purchasing a pre-written or custom-written paper.
- Selling, loaning, or otherwise distributing materials for the purpose of cheating, plagiarism, or other academically dishonest acts.
- Intentionally missing an examination or assignment deadline to gain an unfair advantage.
- Stealing or attempting to access an examination or answer key from an instructor, proctor, or staff member.
- Infringing upon the right of other students to fair and equal access to any library materials and comparable or related academic resources.
- Attempting to prevent access by other users to the college's computer system and its resources, to degrade its system performance, or to copy or destroy files or programs without consent.
- Offering bribes (e.g., monetary remuneration, gifts, or favors) to any college official in exchange for special consideration, waiver of procedures, or change of grade on an assignment or course.
Section 3 – Reporting Violations of Academic Integrity
Students, faculty, and staff share in the responsibility for maintaining the academic standards of the college, for promoting integrity, and for upholding the Academic Integrity Policy. To protect the rights and maintain the trust of honest students and support appropriate behavior, instructors will regularly communicate high standards of integrity (i.e. within syllabi, assignments, exams, etc.) and reinforce them by taking reasonable steps to anticipate and deter acts of dishonesty in all assignments and examinations.
To promote a learning environment that is built upon the fundamental values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility, each community member is encouraged to confront instances of suspected wrongdoing and to report alleged violations of the Academic Integrity Policy to the appropriate instructor, department chair, academic dean, or dean of students (or designee). A standard Academic Dishonesty and Resolution Reporting form, a personal letter/email, or meeting with the appropriate college official are all appropriate means by which referrals are made. Students are not obligated to report suspected violations, but they are encouraged to do so. Students may also approach those involved in alleged academic dishonesty to remind them of their obligation to uphold standards of academic integrity.
Section 4 – Academic Integrity Violations by Level
Violations of academic integrity are organized based on the behavior(s) and related circumstances. The grade percentages, descriptions, examples, and recommended sanctions are provided below. These are general descriptions and are not all-inclusive.
Level One Violations
Level One violations, in the opinion of the instructor, are comprised of students' actions that may be the result of a lack of information or awareness (e.g. not made aware of via a syllabus) and the activity in which the violation occurs is less than 10% of the grade for the course. Level One violations may be most common among first-year students.
- Improper citation or footnoting
- Citation of information not taken from the source indicated
- Using a GenAI application to formulate responses for routine assignments
- Using a GenAI tool to complete a small portion of a homework assignment
- Using an AI-powered paraphrasing tool without proper citation of the source material
- Using GenAI for language translation
Recommended Sanctions: Make-up assignment at a more difficult level or assignment of no credit for work in question, required attendance at a library or writing workshop on preparation of term papers, or a related-educational assignment.
Level Two Violations
Level Two violations, in the opinion of the instructor, involve incidences of cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, or academic misconduct when one or more of the following are applicable:
- The student's actions constitute a violation of academic integrity that cannot be attributed to lack of information or awareness (e.g. not made aware of via a syllabus).
- The activity in which the violation occurs is less than 25% of the grade for the course.
- Unauthorized assistance with academic work (e.g., excessive editorial assistance)
- Allowing another student to copy one's work
- Copying from another student's work
(representing less than 25% of the entire academic exercise)
- Level One violations that are not attributable to inexperience
- Copying another person's words directly without acknowledging the source
- Paraphrasing or putting into one's own words information from a source without providing proper acknowledgement/citation
- Using facts, statistics or other illustrative material taken from a source without acknowledging the source (unless the information is common knowledge)
- Submitting a computer program, or any other creative work or intellectual property as defined by the discipline, as original work which duplicates, in whole or in part, the work of another, without citation
- Falsifying or altering the data collected in the conduct of research
- Submitting the same written work to fulfill the requirements of more than one course without the explicit permission of the present instructor
- Presenting a paper generated by AI technology as one's own work in instances where the course and/or assignment guidelines permit the use of AI, but mandate its citation
- Deliberately using a GenAI tool to write or significantly contribute to an essay
- Using GenAI to answer research questions or solve problems on take-home assignments
- Systematically using GenAI to paraphrase or rewrite academic content from various sources for an assignment, without proper citation
Recommended Sanction: A failing grade on the assignment or failure of the course (depending on the magnitude of the violation).
Level Three Violations
Level Three violations, in the opinion of the instructor, is comprised of cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, or academic misconduct incidences when one or more of the following are applicable:
- The student's actions are a repeat offense of a Level Two violation.
- The activity in which the violation occurs is 25% or more of the grade for the course.
- Possessing or using unauthorized notes, text, or other aids during an examination, quiz, or other assignment
- Copying from another student's examination, research paper, case write-up, lab report, homework assignment, or computer program
- Possessing an electronic device that contains unauthorized information for a test or assignment such as programming one's computer or calculator to gain an unfair advantage
(representing 25% or more of the entire academic exercise)
- Improper citation or footnoting
- Citation of information not taken from the source indicated
- Copying information word for word from a source without using quotation marks and giving proper acknowledgement by way of footnote, endnote, or intertextual note
- Paraphrasing or putting into one's own words information from a source without providing proper acknowledgement/citation
- Reproducing without proper citation any other form of work of another person, such as a musical phrase, a proof, experimental data, laboratory report, graphics design or computer code
- Falsifying or altering the data collected in the conduct of research
- Making up a source as a citation in an assignment or citing a source one did not use
- Altering an assignment, exam, etc. and filing a false complaint that an instructor misgraded the assignment, exam, etc.
- Attempting to prevent access by other users to the college's computer system and its resources, to degrade its system performance, or to copy or destroy files or programs without consent
- Submitting a comprehensive project or research paper primarily produced by AI, with little to no personal contribution, and falsely representing the origin of the work
- Using GenAI to generate the bulk of a term paper, project, or other significant assignments
- A second offense of using AI tools for academic work without proper attribution or exceeding the scope of authorized use
- Using AI-generated content or solutions in examinations, quizzes, or other assessments
Recommended Sanction: Probation or suspension from the university for one semester and a failing grade in the course.
The dean of students (or designee) may determine that a violation reported at Level Two becomes a Level Three in the presence of a prior Level Two violation unknown to the reporting instructor. This determination may be made after the Level Two sanction has already been imposed.
Level Four Violations
These are the most serious violations of academic integrity and include violations that could result in legal action against the perpetrator. Level Four violations involve cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, or academic misconduct when, in the opinion of the instructor, one or more of the following are applicable:
The student's actions represent:
- A blatant disregard or disrespect for the expectations of academic integrity and/or university life
- A violation of law
- Any degree or category of infraction relating to a graduate thesis
- Falsifying or altering the data collected in the conduct of research in an experiment, research project, or other academic exercise related to the senior or graduate thesis
- Changing, altering, falsifying or being accessory to the changing, altering or falsifying of a grade report or form, or entering any university office, building or accessing a computer for that purpose
- Coercing any other person to obtain an un-administered test
- Stealing, buying, selling, giving away or otherwise obtaining all or part of any un-administered examination, term papers, or works of art, or entering any university office or building for the purpose of obtaining said materials without authorization
- Taking an examination or writing a paper for another student or permitting another student to perform the same for oneself
- Attempting to prevent access by other users to the college's computer system and its resources, to degrade its system performance, or to copy or destroy files or programs without consent
- Violating the clinical or ethical code of the discipline
- Sabotaging of another's work
- Engaging in the systematic production and commercial distribution of scholarly materials created by GenAI
- Using GenAI to generate a complete senior capstone project, graduate thesis or a portion of it without acknowledgment or instructor permission
- Using GenAI to create fake identities or to impersonate another person in an online course or group project
- Engaging in widespread or systematic use of GenAI to complete assignments, projects, or research across multiple courses
Recommended Sanction: Expulsion from the university and a permanent dismissal notation on the student's internal academic file.
The dean of students (or designee) may determine that a violation reported at Level Three becomes a Level Four in the presence of a prior Level Three violation unknown to the reporting instructor. This determination may be made after the Level Three sanction has been applied. Multiple Level Two violations or a Level Two violation followed by a Level Three violation may only be sanctioned at Level Three. Only multiple Level Three violations may be raised to Level Four.
Section 5 – Academic Dishonesty Review Process
There are two types of forums* provided by this code to review alleged violations of the Academic Integrity Policy:
A. Academic Resolution (Informal)
The instructor has the primary responsibility for control over classroom behavior and maintenance of academic integrity. Students involved in academic dishonesty, either directly or indirectly as a participant, are immediately responsible to the instructor of the course who is obligated to address the alleged violation.
Academic resolutions are conducted by the instructor of the course in which an alleged violation of the Academic Integrity Policy has occurred. When an instructor suspects that a student may have violated the college's policy in this manner, the instructor shall inform the student of the concerns within five (5) business days of the discovery and present the student with any supporting evidence and documentation. The student shall be afforded the opportunity to respond to the allegations and to offer an explanation during the academic resolution meeting or via email, if the student is unable to meet.
If, after five (5) business days, the student is unresponsive to the instructor's efforts to discuss the academic integrity concerns, the process to address the matter will proceed without the student's participation. Additionally, if the student subsequently submitted additional work with the same academic integrity concerns, and has not been notified about the first incident, the student shall not be held responsible for the second occurrence.
1. Student Accepts Responsibility: At an academic resolution meeting or via email correspondence, if the instructor and the student agree that a Level One or Level Two violation has occurred and the student accepts responsibility for the violation, the instructor may at their discretion impose the following academic sanctions or grade penalties:
Level One or Two Violation:
- Issue the student an oral warning together with information/resources about what is acceptable academic conduct.
- Assign the completion of an academic integrity module.
- Change the grade on the assignment, including lowering or assessing a failing grade.
- Change the grade for the course, including lowering or assessing a failing grade.
- Allow the student to resubmit the assignment or retake the exam.
- Assign additional academic work or alternative assignments.
The instructor must also notify the dean of students of the violation by submitting an Academic Dishonesty and Resolution Reporting form within two (2) business days of the conclusion of an academic dishonesty and resolution meeting or their receipt of written/emailed confirmation from the student regarding the violation. Documentation should be submitted with the Academic Dishonesty and Resolution Reporting form that includes exams/assignments involving cheating, crib sheets, witness statements, or other materials deemed relevant to the case. The incident will be kept on file in the Office of the Dean of Students as a record of the incident and a way to track and respond to repeat/multiple offenses by the same student(s).
Imposing Additional Sanctions for Level Three and Level Four Violations: Disciplinary probation, suspension, expulsion, or removing a student from class are outside the purview of the instructor and may not be issued as part of the academic resolution process. These sanctions may only be rendered through the Student Conduct Panel administered by the dean of students (or designee).
2. Student Does Not Accept Responsibility: If the student does not accept responsibility and/or disputes the allegation or decision of the instructor at the academic resolution meeting, the instructor will assign an incomplete (I) grade on the assignment or in the course, pending the outcome of a hearing before the Student Conduct Panel as outlined in Section 5 (b) of the Academic Integrity Policy. Students assessed an incomplete (I) grade will be allowed to continue in the course without prejudice, pending the outcome of the formal student conduct process. If the course ends before the Student Conduct Panel has acted, the instructor will submit the incomplete grade to the Office of the Registrar pending a hearing before the Student Conduct Panel. At the conclusion of the student conduct process, the instructor will submit a change-of-grade form to the registrar reflecting the outcome of the student conduct hearing and the instructor's evaluation of the student's work in the course.
3. Academic Dishonesty and Resolution Reporting Form: At the conclusion of the academic resolution meeting or communications with the student, the instructor will complete an Academic Dishonesty and Resolution Reporting form. The Academic Dishonesty and Resolution Reporting form may also be used by the instructor to request a formal review of the matter by the dean of students (or designee) and the Student Conduct Panel.
The Academic Dishonesty and Resolution Reporting form should be submitted within two (2) business days at the conclusion of the academic resolution process and also shared with the department chair. The Academic Dishonesty and Resolution Reporting form serves as the official record of the meeting and will become part of the student's student conduct record maintained by the dean of students (or designee). If the dean of students (or designee) receives a second Academic Dishonesty and Resolution Reporting form on a student (either from the same or a different faculty member) after the student has been notified of a current violation that is being addressed, the dean of students (or designee) may proceed with a Formal Hearing as outlined in Section 5 (b) below.
4. Meeting with the Dean of Students (or designee): Upon receipt of the Academic Dishonesty and Resolution Reporting form, the dean of students (or designee) may meet with the student who has accepted responsibility for a violation of the Academic Integrity Policy to review the policy and to stress its importance; outline the resources and services provided by the college to assist students who may be experiencing academic difficulty; and issue a written warning indicating that a further violation of the Academic Integrity Policy will be attended by more serious student conduct sanctions. In cases where a student is assessed and accepts a failing grade for the course by the instructor, the student will be informed that they are no longer allowed to attend the class. Students found responsible for a first violation may also be required to complete the Academic Integrity Modules which are coordinated through the dean of students (or designee). A summary letter of the meeting will be sent to the student and a copy forwarded to the instructor and department chair. In cases where the student does not accept responsibility for a violation of the Academic Integrity Policy, the dean of students (or designee) will initiate the formal student conduct process outlined in Section 5 (b) of this Academic Integrity Policy.
5. Academic Resolution Appeals: A student who accepts responsibility and agrees with the academic sanctions or grade penalties imposed by the instructor as part of the academic resolution process cannot appeal the decision to a higher authority or the Student Conduct Panel. The decision and sanctions imposed by the instructor are final. A student who does not accept responsibility and/or disputes the allegation or decision of the instructor has the right to have the matter reviewed by the dean of students (or designee) with a referral to the Student Conduct Panel when determined by the dean of students (or designee).
b. Formal Conduct Hearing Panel
- Initiating Charges: The dean of students (or designee) is responsible for investigating complaints of alleged violations of the Academic Integrity Policy, and the Student Conduct Panel will be called upon to hear cases under the following circumstances:
- If after a thorough review of a complaint it is determined that there is sufficient evidence to formally charge a student with a violation of the policy.
- If at the conclusion of the academic resolution meeting the student disputes the allegation and does not accept responsibility for violating the Academic Integrity Policy or disagrees with the sanction(s) imposed by an instructor.
- A review of a student's disciplinary record indicates a Level Three, Level Four, and/or multiple reported violations of the Academic Integrity Policy.
- The instructor or the dean of students (or designee) feels that the seriousness of the first offense (i.e. Level Three or Level Four violation) warrants a review by the Student Conduct Panel.
If the dean of students (or designee) determines that there is insufficient evidence to charge a student with a violation of the policy, the formal disciplinary process will not be initiated and all parties will be notified in writing. If there is insufficient evidence to formally charge a student with a violation of the policy and the instructor chooses to issue an academic sanction or grade penalty, the student has the right to request a review of the matter by the grade appeals committee.
- Procedures: If the dean of students (or designee) determines that there is sufficient evidence to charge a student with a violation of the policy, the formal student conduct process will be conducted in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Student Code of Conduct (Section 10). As set forth above in Section 5(A)(2), an incomplete (I) grade will be assigned by the instructor pending the outcome of the formal hearing.
- Academic Sanctions and Grade Penalties: The Student Conduct Panel does not have the authority to issue academic sanctions or grade penalties in cases where a student is found responsible for violating the Academic Integrity Policy. The evaluation of a student's academic work and issuing a course grade is the responsibility of the instructor. However, the Student Conduct Panel may make a recommendation to the instructor for consideration regarding the final grade, in addition to issuing non-academic sanctions (i.e. educational/community assignments, suspension, expulsion, etc.). In cases where a student is found responsible for an academic integrity violation by the Student Conduct Panel and the student has exhausted the student conduct appeals process, the student cannot appeal the decision to a higher authority. The Student Conduct Panel sanctions and any academic sanctions or grade penalties imposed by the instructor are final. In cases where a student is found not responsible for an academic integrity violation by the Student Conduct Panel and the instructor chooses to not impose an academic sanction or grade penalty to reflect the outcome of the formal hearing, the student has the right to request the review of the matter by the grade appeals committee.
- Withdrawal from the Course Pending Resolution: Students are permitted to withdraw from a course after an alleged violation is reported. If an instructor determines that a student has violated the Academic Integrity policy, and the student withdraws from the course, the instructor shall inform the dean of students of the resolution by the submission of an Academic Dishonesty and Resolution Reporting form (including all supporting documentation). The dean of students shall review the student's conduct file to determine if there are multiple academic integrity violations and/or if the case should be elevated. Ultimately, the dean of students will update the student's disciplinary file to reflect the final resolution.
* Accompaniment by an advisor of the student's choice for an informal meeting or formal conduct hearing: The advisor may not speak, serve as a witness, or represent the student before the hearing body. The advisor may not serve as a legal representative. Students must speak for themselves. (For exemptions, see "Auxiliary Aids and Services" later in this handbook).
Section 6 – Student Resources
New York Tech Resources to Help You Succeed
Academic Support:
Health, Wellness, and Accessibility Services:
Campus Life Resources:
Online Resources: