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    > student handbook us edition
    > student code of conduct

Students and student organizations will be considered for conduct review whenever conduct that may be in violation of the Student Code of Conduct occurs on campus (or in university-leased facilities) and/or conduct that adversely affects the New York Tech community. For violations that do not occur on New York Tech property, action will be considered if New York Tech officials decide that institutional interests are involved.

Disciplinary action may be taken by New York Tech for any act constituting a violation of the Student Code of Conduct, or of the federal or state law or city ordinances when the act is contrary to New York Tech's interests as an academic community, including acts that threaten the lives, health, safety, and academic success of New York Tech students. Students or student organizations will be held responsible for the actions of their guests under this code.

Approved constitutions governing organizational behavior may take precedence, depending on the alleged violation. The Dean of Students (or designee) will determine which document prevails. While similar jurisdictional principles apply to allegations of Gender-Based Misconduct, Title IX requires a specific jurisdictional assessment as set forth in the Gender-Based Misconduct and Title IX Policy, which will control in those cases.