Policies of the New York Institute of Technology Libraries
Our mission
The Library's mission is to support the curricular and research needs of students, faculty, and staff at NYIT. The goal of library service is to help students achieve success while in college and to foster mastery of research skills for lifelong learning. It is understood that the Library, by its nature, supports academic programs by partnering with them to enhance student learning, program development, faculty research, and other professional activities. The Library is the cornerstone of a successful college, because it provides access to a wealth of information and offers support services that enable students, faculty, and staff to access, utilize and evaluate this information.
The Libraries' collections and services continue to benefit from advances in technology. The Libraries' goals reflect continued and enhanced use of technology to improve access to the collection, the quality of the collection, educational services, and ease of use. The exponential growth in information combined with rapidly changing technology has resulted in an information environment that is extremely complex. The goals focus on resources and services to assist patrons in navigating this information maze.
Our goals
- Provide state-of-the art access to library resources.
- Deliver quality, user-oriented services responsive to the changing information needs of our diverse and global community.
- Evaluate, acquire, implement and manage resources at a level that meets or exceeds the research needs and expectations of users.
- Continue to provide excellent traditional in-person library educational services as well as utilizing electronic methods to deliver services and support to distant learners.
- Provide adequate space for library services and upgrade existing facilities as needed.
- Continue to work with groups outside of the NYIT community to enhance the Libraries' image and maximize consortia arrangements.
Access to Services
The full resources of the NYIT Libraries are available to all faculty, staff, currently registered students, and administrators. Borrowing privileges for those outside the NYIT community are available via the Research Loan Program, METRO, and other consortial arrangements.
The NYIT Libraries subscribe to the tenets of intellectual freedom in accordance with the Library Bill of Rights of the American Library Association and the Statement on Principles of Academic Freedom and Tenure of the American Association of University Professors.
The NYIT Libraries comply with all policies of NYIT, as delineated in the Student Handbook, including but not limited to: "NYIT Code of Responsible Technology Usage," "Student Code of Conduct," and "Sexual Harassment."
Circulation Policy
All members of the NYIT community are accorded borrowing privileges.
The loan period for currently registered students and alumni is two weeks. Students must present a valid NYIT identification card to borrow materials. Summer students must show verification of their registration status for the semester. Students are permitted to borrow a maximum of twelve (12) books. Alumni may borrow a maximum of three (3) books. Only onsite database access is available to alumni. A valid NYIT Alumni Association card and a photo I.D. must be presented to borrow materials and to access computers. Circulating materials may be renewed once if there are no prior requests.
The loan period for faculty, staff, and administrators is four weeks. Circulating materials may be renewed once if there are no prior requests. A maximum of twelve (12) books may be borrowed. A valid NYIT identification card is needed to borrow books.
Collection Development Policy
The selection of library resources shall be relevant to academic programs. The collection should be broadly based, balanced, and current. Attention will be given to the scope of majors and courses, and sites at which programs are offered with minimal reliance on intra-campus loans. Consideration will be given to locations where programs are offered so that there will be minimal reliance on intra-campus loans. The collection will be managed to accommodate changes in funding and space needs. Individual branch needs will be taken into account when determining the number of copies ordered.
The libraries subscribe to various electronic resources. Electronic resources include full-text databases, indexes, bibliographies, statistics, and other reference sources which support learning, teaching and research at NYIT. The basic criteria for the selection of any electronic resource are: relevancy to the curriculum, improvement of the overall library collection, and enhancement of patron access to information.
NYIT Libraries encourage the active participation in collection development through:
- solicitation of faculty recommendations.
- student suggestions.
Faculty members are expected to submit purchase requests for materials in advance of new programs.
Librarians will conduct periodic evaluations of the collection and recommend actions necessary to correct deficiencies. This includes weeding and replacement of missing materials as needed.
In all media and formats, the NYIT Libraries comply with nationally recognized standards for copyright and fair use.
Gifts and Donations
The NYIT Libraries welcome gifts of materials or funds with which to purchase materials. Gifts of library materials will be accepted provided they are consistent with the general collection development policy.
Gifts will be evaluated before a decision is made to accept an offer. The same criteria that apply to the purchased materials apply to gift materials when considering the acceptance of gifts.
Materials will be accepted with the understanding that librarians will decide their disposition. Unneeded items may be disposed of by sale, exchange, donation, or discard at the discretion of the evaluator. While the library will provide a letter of acknowledgment, the library cannot appraise the value of the donation.
Materials cannot be accepted under the following conditions:
- When a donor requires that the materials be kept together and not integrated into the library collection
- That they must not be allowed to circulate
- Materials cannot be accepted on indefinite loan
Items donated to the library become library property and are thus subject to regulations governing its collections.
Intra-Campus Loans
If the desired book is located at another campus library, students should request a loan at the Circulation Desk.
Interlibrary Loans
Interlibrary loan (ILL) is a resource sharing program which allows NYIT faculty and students to borrow materials that the NYIT Library does not own from other libraries.
ILL is available free of charge; however, there is a limit of thirty (30) articles per semester: thirty articles in the Fall semester and thirty articles in the Spring semester, with the Summer semester included with the Spring semester for a maximum of sixty (60) articles per year.
There usually is no charge to the user for ILL services. However, in some instances high copyright fees or charges from lending libraries may exceed library budget limits. In those instances, the patron will be contacted to determine if they would be willing to cover the costs or would prefer that the request be canceled.
The loan period for books is determined by the lending institution. In most cases, the loan period is four (4) weeks. Renewals are contingent upon the lending institution. Institutions that loan materials reserve the right to recall items at any time for their users.
Interlibrary Loans can be requested using the following forms:
Please make sure that you fill in all necessary information as accurately as possible, especially your email and contact information.
Lending Policies
NYIT Libraries supply loans and scanned copies to academic, public, corporate, and special libraries. Requests are accepted via OCLC (Symbol: ZNT). There is a charge of 10 cents per page for any copies over 30 (thirty) pages.
Library Instructional Classes
All library classes require the attendance of faculty along with students. Faculty presence lends support and credence to the value and importance of information literacy instruction. Should it turn out that a faculty member is unable to attend a scheduled library class, the class then needs to be rescheduled.
Metro Cards/Research Loan Program
NYIT students, faculty and staff may request METRO referral cards for on-site use of materials at other academic libraries within New York City, provided such materials are not available at NYIT or the New York Public Library and its local branches.
The Research Loan Program permits members of the NYIT community in good standing to directly borrow materials from libraries on Long Island (Nassau and Suffolk Counties). To obtain the necessary cards and forms for these programs, contact the Reference Desk at any NYIT Library.
Non-Circulating Books/Items
Items that do not circulate and must remain in the Library include periodicals, reference books, reserve materials, microfilm and microfiche, some audio-visual materials, laptops, etc.
The Library adheres to the "Academic Integrity" standard published in NYIT's Student Handbook. The following web site provides information and answers to questions regarding plagiarism: Plagiarism Q&A.
Reserve Collection
Reserve materials are housed behind the Circulation Desk. Reserve materials do not circulate. The loan period is (3) hours with one (1) renewal for most material if there are no further requests. Fines are $1.00 per hour for most overdue items. Borrowers must present a valid NYIT ID at the Circulation Desk when requesting reserve material.
Special items, journal articles, books, and personal copies to be used for particular courses may be placed in the reserve collections of any NYIT Library. Current editions of major texts for courses will be held on reserve, where possible, each semester. Faculty should notify the library staff when these items are no longer needed in the reserve collection.
Rules and Regulations
- Restrictions on the consumption of food and beverages may apply. Please comply with these restrictions where applicable.
- Smoking is not permitted.
- Use of cell phones, pagers, and beepers is prohibited.
- Please maintain a quiet atmosphere so patrons can concentrate and study.
- In the event of theft or mutilation of materials, or deliberate damage or tampering with equipment, cases are referred to the Dean of Students for disciplinary action.
- Fines for most overdue items are $0.15 cents per day that the library is open.
- Fines for lost books are $100, plus a $20 processing fee. The fine for materials returned damaged is the cost of replacement plus a $20 processing fee.
- A maximum of 3 reserves may be charged out at one time. The loan period is 3 hours. For most items a late fee of $1 per hour will be charged for each hour an item is overdue within the first 24 hours. A late fee of $2 per hour will be charged for each hour the item is overdue for the 2nd day. $50 per day fee will be charged for each day the item is overdue following the 2nd day with a maximum fee of $225. I.D. is required to charge out reserve material. Reserves may not be removed from the library. Student will be blocked from charging out reserves if he/she has more than 5 overdue items or owes more than $25 in fines.
- Additional items may not be borrowed until fines are cleared.
- Librarians reserve the right to adjust fines if items are expensive, rare, or out-of-print.
- Each student is responsible for library materials borrowed on his/her card. Outstanding library accounts may be resolved by visiting one of the NYIT libraries. Outstanding fines must be paid before students can obtain their transcripts, diplomas or refunds. Accounts may be viewed online.
- Patrons should not lend their ID cards to other users; the ID owner is responsible for all materials borrowed under their ID card.
- Library staff reserves the right to inspect all bags.
The NYIT Library System is pleased to make loaner laptop computers available for in-library use by the NYIT community. This privilege comes with equally consequential responsibilities. Please take a few minutes to consider the following Library Laptop Policies:
- Who is eligible to borrow a laptop?
- Currently registered students, current employees, and alumni of NYIT with a valid NYIT ID card may borrow laptops.
- How do I borrow a laptop?
- Laptops may be borrowed at the Circulation Desk for up to 3 hours.
- Only one laptop may be borrowed by a user at one time.
- Borrowers must checkout laptops in person.
- The library does not take reservations. The laptops are loaned on a first come, first served basis.
- Laptops may be renewed once with additional renewals subject to availability.
- Laptops must be returned to the circulation desk within 3 hours of checkout or ½ hour before the library closes, whichever occurs first.
- If there are fines on your library account, you may not borrow a laptop until all your fines are cleared.
- Staff reserve the right to request an additional picture ID.
- What happens if I am late returning the laptop?
- The laptop late fee is $5 per hour.
- If not returned after one week, the fine is $1200, or the purchase price for item replacement.
- The library reserves the right to refuse service to anyone who has a record of abusing NYIT's equipment or is repeatedly late in returning laptops.
- Where/How can the laptop be used?
- The laptop may be used anywhere in the library and ONLY in the library.
- Users must have an NYIT MyMail Username and Password to access the wireless network.
- Software loaded on the laptops includes Microsoft Office and an Internet Browser.
- What is my responsibility?
- The borrower is totally responsible for the laptop from the time of acceptance until which time the library staff records and clears its return.
- A laptop must be returned in the same condition as when it was borrowed.
- Please report hardware/software problems immediately as you may be held responsible for any unreported problems.
- The user will be charged for up to the full replacement cost ($1200, or the purchase price for item replacement) if the computer is damaged, not returned for any reason or components are missing. Other consequences include blocked registration and graduation and the withholding of grades and library privileges until the account is cleared.
- Users are encouraged to ask questions if they are unclear on policies or responsibilities.
- Users MAY NOT install ANY software or change the configuration of the laptops.
- Users MAY NOT save work to the laptop, they must email or save data to a disc.
- NEVER LEAVE THE LAPTOP UNATTENDED. You are responsible for replacing the laptop if it is stolen while checked out to you.
- NEVER BORROW A LAPTOP FOR SOMEONE ELSE TO USE. You will be held directly responsible for any problems, NOT your associate.
- When are laptops available?
- Laptops are available ½ hour after the library opens and up to one hour before the library closes. Laptops borrowed one hour before closing must be returned within ½ hour. (If you borrow a laptop at 9 p.m. and the library closes at 10 p.m., the laptop must be returned by 9:30 p.m.).
- Disclaimer
- NYIT and the libraries are not responsible for any computer viruses that may be transferred to or from a user's disc. The library is not responsible for any files left on any computer, or for loss or damage to files.
Copying and Printing
See the NYIT's policy on copying and printing.
The NYIT Library System is pleased to make iPad tablet computers available for in-library use by the NYIT community. This privilege comes with equally consequential responsibilities. Please take a few minutes to consider the following Library iPad Policies:
- Who is eligible to borrow an iPad?
- Currently registered students and current employees of NYIT with a valid NYIT ID card may borrow an iPad.
- How do I borrow an iPad?
- iPads may be borrowed at the Circulation Desk for up to 3 hours.
- Only one iPad may be borrowed by a user at one time.
- Borrowers must checkout iPads in person.
- The library does not take reservations. The iPads are loaned on a first come, first served basis.
- iPads may be renewed once with additional renewals subject to availability.
- iPads must be returned to the Circulation Desk within 3 hours of checkout or ½ hour before the library closes, whichever occurs first.
- If there are fines on your library account, you may not borrow an iPad until all your fines are cleared.
- Staff reserves the right to request an additional picture ID
- What happens if I am late returning the iPad?
- The iPad late fee is $5 per hour.
- If not returned after one week, the fine is equal to the cost of replacement $500.00.
- The library reserves the right to refuse service to anyone who has a record of abusing NYIT's equipment or is repeatedly late in returning loaned iPads.
- Where/How can the iPad be used?
- The iPad may be used anywhere in the library and only in the library.
- Popular apps have been loaded on the iPads to facilitate research and collaboration.
- All circulating iPads are configured in an identical manner.
- Users may not add or remove apps.
- App recommendations and requests can be made to:
- What is my responsibility?
- The borrower is responsible for the iPad from the time of acceptance until which time the library staff records and clears its return.
- The iPad must be returned in the same condition as when it was borrowed.
- Please report hardware/software problems immediately as you may be held responsible for any unreported problems.
- The user will be charged the full replacement cost ($500.00) if the iPad is damaged, not returned for any reason or components are missing. Other consequences include blocked registration and graduation and the withholding of grades and library privileges until the account is cleared.
- Users are encouraged to ask questions if they are unclear on policies or responsibilities.
- Users may not add or remove apps or change the configuration of the iPads.
- Users may not save work to the iPad.
- Users must sign-out of all personal accounts, services, and apps prior to returning the device.
- Users are responsible for clearing personally identifiable information from apps and services.
- Users are responsible for replacing the iPad and/or accessories if it is stolen while checked out.
- When are iPads available?
- iPads are available ½ hour after the library opens and up to one hour before the library closes. iPads borrowed one hour before closing must be returned within ½ hour. (If you borrow an iPad at 9 p.m. and the library closes at 10 p.m., the iPad must be returned by 9:30 p.m.).
- Disclaimer
- The library is not responsible for any files left on the device or for loss or damage to files. The library is not responsible for unauthorized access to personal accounts that the user fails to properly sign-out of including but not limited to email, Twitter, Facebook, and Dropbox. The library is not responsible for any issues or damages that the iPad may cause to any other equipment to which the iPad is connected.
Circulating Technology
Circulating devices, include, but are not limited to, Arduino Microcontroller boards (Sparkfun Kit), Raspberry Pi boards (Canakit), Google Cardboard, GoPro cameras, and Samsung Gear 360.
Circulating devices are available for a 2-week checkout.
What is my responsibility?
- The device must be returned in the same condition as when it was borrowed.
- It is the borrower's responsibility to check device/kit for full contents and to notify library staff of missing components or device malfunction as soon possible.
- Do not return technology equipment in a book return drop.
- Please report hardware/software problems immediately as you may be held responsible for any unreported problems.
- Users MAY NOT make permanent modifications or damage the device.
- When returning technology equipment, wait for library staff to check the device for damage and verify that all of the components have been returned, e.g., manual, power cords, USB cords, etc.
- For materials that are overdue, the borrower will be charged $1 per day.
- If a component is missing, you will be charged the cost of replacing the lost component. If it is not possible to purchase a replacement, you will be charged the replacement cost of the entire piece of equipment.
- Replacement cost will be assessed at the library purchase price at the time the item is identified as lost.
- You will be charged the full repair or replacement cost if the equipment is lost, damaged or stolen while it is checked out to you.
- Technology equipment that is not returned will be considered lost and full market replacement cost plus an additional processing fee ($20) will be charged. A block will be placed on the user's library and student accounts.
More Questions?
Contact us
- College of Osteopathic Medicine Library: 516.686.3743
- Education Hall, Art & Architecture Library: 516.686.7579
- Manhattan Library: 212.261.1526
- Salten Hall Library: 516.686.7657
- ITS: 516.686.1188
- Email: