Conduct Bodies and Forums

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There are four types of conduct forums: warning letter without a hearing, summary resolution meeting, informal hearing, and formal hearing. Generally, students and student organizations may choose which conduct forum they would like to conduct their disciplinary case; however, the dean of students (or designee) or director of residence life (or designee) reserve the right to choose the appropriate forum for administrative or case-related reasons. Gender-Based Misconduct cases will only use formal hearings, unless the parties agree to Informal Resolution as set forth in the Gender-Based Misconduct and Title IX Policy.

A. Warning Letter Without a Hearing

For minor infractions of this code, the Dean of Students (or designee) or Director of Residence Life (or designee) may send the student a warning letter. The letter states that if the student takes full responsibility for the alleged violation, and any imposed sanctions, then the letter will act as a warning. If the student does not accept responsibility for the alleged violation of the code, then the student must schedule an information meeting to schedule an informal or formal hearing.

B. Summary Resolution Meeting

Summary resolution meetings are for students electing to accept responsibility for the alleged violation as presented. These meetings are not recorded and are conducted by the Associate Dean of Students (or designee) as the Student Conduct Officer or by the Director of Residence Life (or designee) for cases related to residence life.

C. Informal Hearings

Informal hearings are for students electing to enable the determination of responsibility for the alleged violation to be made by the Associate Dean of Students (or designee) as the Student Conduct Officer or by the Director of Residence Life (or designee) for cases related to residence life.

D. Formal Hearings

The student conduct body for formal hearings: the Associate Dean of Students (or designee) serves as the Student Conduct Officer/hearing chair in a non-voting capacity and selects the hearing panel from a pool of: faculty members appointed by the provost and vice president for academic affairs, students appointed by the Student Government Association, and administrators appointed by the Dean of Students (or designee). The Student Conduct Officer selects one faculty member, one student, and one administrator to hear each case that does not involve violations of the Gender-Based Misconduct and Title IX Policy.

For cases involving violations of the Gender-Based Misconduct Policy, students will not serve on the hearing panel. Rather, the chair will select three panel members from the pool of faculty members and administrators, and only those faculty and administrators who have completed additional training in the area of gender-based misconduct will be eligible to serve in such cases.

Hearings may also include an Investigator, a New York Tech staff member appointed to review the case and present findings to the student conduct body.

As detailed in the code, formal hearings are impartial and recorded proceedings which allow the student conduct body to call and question relevant witnesses and review evidence in order to adequately assess information regarding the alleged violation. They also allow the presence of an advisor who does not act as a legal representative.