Delivery of Disciplinary Notifications

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    > student handbook us edition
    > student code of conduct

  1. The university's official mode of communication with students is through New York Tech-issued emails and the U.S. mail. Students are expected to check their official email accounts on a regular basis, and failure to check email is not considered an excuse for failing to respond to a communication, missing deadlines, or failing to complete required documents.
  2. Permanent and/or local addresses on file with the Office of the Registrar and/or the student's official New York Tech email account are considered appropriate and official venues for notifications regarding violations of the Student Code of Conduct.
  3. Regardless of the mode of communication, the student is deemed to have received the communication upon proper mailing, sending, delivery, or email of the communication to the student.
  4. In cases, where appropriate, written conduct notices may be delivered by hand to a student's class, other campus location, or residence hall.