Remote Work Policy

Updated June 2021

Policy Statement

Remote work for certain employee positions may be advantageous for both New York Tech and its employees. The benefits may include: increased productivity and performance, reduced employee commuting time, enhanced employee recruitment and retention, relief of on-campus space constraints, cost reduction, environmental sustainability, crisis response, and greater work-life balance. New York Tech's commitment to diversity and inclusion encompasses a commitment to accommodating and encouraging a diversity of work styles and life situations. Accordingly, New York Tech permits remote work arrangements in certain situations as provided in this policy.

Remote workers will work at an off-campus location, typically their home. The remote work arrangement could be five days a week, or regularly scheduled days each week or month. Remote work is not an entitlement or institution-wide benefit, and all remote work arrangements must be approved in accordance with this policy. In some cases, New York Tech will require that a position be remote, fully or partially, but in most cases, remote work will be a voluntary arrangement determined by the employee and the supervisor, and approved as set forth below. New York Tech recognizes that all employees may not have home or other work spaces consistent with this policy, and New York Tech is committed to working with employees as necessary to ensure an equitable implementation of this policy.


This Policy applies to U.S.-based full-time and part-time staff (not including student workers) at New York Tech, and whose job duties and responsibilities are suitable for remote work. This Policy does not apply to employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement.

Remote work is a viable alternative work arrangement in cases where the individual employee, the job, and the supervisor are well suited to such an arrangement. Not all employees and positions are suitable for remote work. Whether a particular employee may work remotely is a decision made on a case-by-case basis involving the nature of the work as well as an evaluation of the likelihood of the employee succeeding in a remote work arrangement and the supervisor's ability to manage the remote worker. In evaluating the suitability of a remote work arrangement, factors to be considered by the supervisor and respective Vice President, and Dean if applicable, include:

At this time, to be eligible for a remote work arrangement the employee's remote work location must be in New York State or Arkansas.


Once the Supervisor and Vice President, and Dean if applicable, have determined the appropriateness of a remote work arrangement, and the supervisor and the employee have set a proposed schedule for the days and hours of remote work, the arrangement must be approved by Human Resources. In addition, if the supervisor intends for the remote worker to also work on campus, the supervisor must confirm a plan for the on-campus work location with the Office of Capital Planning and Facilities.

Remote work arrangements require the execution of the Remote Work Agreement.

Rules, Guidelines, and Procedures

  1. The Remote Work Agreement will set out the agreed schedule of days and hours of remote work.
  2. It is understood that remote workers may not have dedicated on-campus work locations. Factors to be considered by the department include the amount of time the employee is expected to be on campus, how closely the employee will need to work with others in the department, the need for private space, and space availability. Remote workers who do not have dedicated on-campus work locations, will use "hotel" workspaces or other temporary work locations. Over time, we look forward to continuing to develop new, creative campus workspace options to accommodate many different workstyles.
  3. Every remote worker will have an "assigned campus," specified in the Remote Work Agreement.
  4. Remote workers are expected to be productive and accessible during their agreed-upon regular work schedule. The supervisor will also set out expectations for the manner and frequency of the remote worker's regular communication (i.e. via phone, video conferencing, and/or in person, etc.) with the supervisor and others at New York Tech, vendors, etc. Remote workers are expected to maintain the same response times as if they were on campus and will make themselves available to attend scheduled work meetings as required.
  5. Remote workers may be required to come to campus for meetings, events and other situations as requested by their supervisors. Travel to the employee's assigned campus is considered commutation, and remote workers are not eligible to receive reimbursement for this travel.
  6. Remote workers are expected to arrange for child/dependent care as necessary for their scheduled work hours. Personal tasks and errands should only be performed during the employee's scheduled breaks and lunches.
  7. Remote workers will submit time sheets in accordance with New York Tech time and attendance policies, and will comply with all New York Tech and department policies regarding hours of work and requesting time off and reporting work absences. Remote workers who are non-exempt from the overtime requirements of the Fair Labor Standards Act are not to work overtime without prior approval from their supervisor.
  8. Remote workers are solely responsible for the configuration of and all the expenses and services associated with their remote workspace. This includes ensuring and maintaining an ergonomically appropriate and safe remote worksite. Remote workers are responsible for notifying their supervisor and Human Resources in the event of any injuries sustained while at their remote work location and in conjunction with their regular work duties.
  9. Remote workers may not engage in New York Tech work with other employees, students or third parties at the remote work site. New York Tech will have no responsibility for any injury to person or property unrelated to New York Tech work activities which might occur at the remote work site.
  10. Remote workers are responsible for maintaining the security and confidentiality of New York Tech files, data and other information that are in the remote work site.
  11. Remote workers must have a working telephone or cellphone at their remote location. Remote workers are responsible for all internet, phone service, utilities and home or renter's insurance costs at the remote work site. New York Tech is not responsible for operating costs of any personal equipment (including, but not limited to, computers, personal devices, cellular or standard telephones), home maintenance of personal equipment, or any other incidental costs associated with the use of an employee's remote work arrangement.
  12. Remote workers must comply with the Remote Work Equipment, Resources, and Technology Guidelines, which are a part of this Remote Work Policy.

Resources for Remote Workers and Supervisors