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    > student code of conduct

A. Application of Sanctions

One or more of the following sanctions may apply when a student, student organization, or Greek letter organization is found responsible for violations of the Student Code of Conduct (See the Gender-Based Misconduct and Title IX Policy for sanction ranges specific to those offenses):

  1. Warning Letter without a Hearing: For minor infractions of this code, the Associate Dean of Students (or designee) or Director of Residence Life (or designee) may send the student a warning letter. The letter states that if the student takes full responsibility for the alleged violation, and any imposed sanctions, then the letter will act as a warning. If the student does not accept responsibility for the alleged violation of the code, then the student must schedule an information meeting to schedule an informal or formal hearing.
  2. Warning: Oral or written reprimand, when appropriate, to the student or student organization that the student/student organization has violated the Student Code of Conduct and that further violation of the code will result in more serious disciplinary action.
  3. Educational or Community Assignments: An educational or community sanction is a developmental task for the purpose of making a positive contribution to the student's well-being or the college community. Assignments may include, but are not limited to, attendance at educational workshops/seminars, research projects, essays, apology letters, meetings/interviews with New York Tech officials, planning and implementing educational programs, special assignments, community service projects/work assignments, or other educational activities. For violations of the Policy on Alcohol and Other Drugs, an alcohol and drug education sanction is required.
  4. Fine: A written warning that requires payment of a monetary sanction, not to exceed $500. Failure to pay all fines, in full, may result in a student conduct hold for registration, denial of a final grade report, diploma, and/or transcripts.
  5. Restitution: Restitution for damages may be a part of any sanction, and may include monetary compensation, property replacement, or services up to the amount of the damages incurred. Failure to make restitution, in full, may result in a student conduct hold for registration, denial of a final grade report, diploma, and/or transcripts.
  6. Residential Relocation: Relocation to another residential assignment, which may include relocation to a different room assignment.
  7. Residential Probation: A specified period of time, during which more severe student code of conduct action can be taken and/or a student's New York Tech residential contract may be terminated if further violation(s) of residence policies and/or the Student Code of Conduct occur.
  8. Residential Suspension: Termination of a student's New York Tech residential contract. The student is prohibited from entering into or being near the vicinity of specified residence hall(s). The student is not entitled to a refund of their residential contract. A sanction of residential suspension shall set forth, in writing, the conditions that will permit the student's re-acceptance into the residence hall, if appropriate.
  9. Campus Access Restrictions: Termination of a student's or student organization's privilege to enter into and be near the vicinity of one or more campus buildings. A student may also lose the privilege to enter onto campus grounds entirely.
  10. Disciplinary Probation (Individual Student): A specified period of time during which a student has an opportunity to demonstrate the ability to be a responsible member of the New York Tech community. A student on probation may be prohibited from holding an office or being elected to any honorary organization; may be required to complete additional educational activities; and may be restricted from participation in certain specified events/activities; from entering certain facilities, classes, or offices; or from contacting/communicating (verbal, nonverbal, physical, or electronic) with specific individuals or groups. Any further violation of the Student Code of Conduct places the student's or student organization's status with the college in jeopardy. Disciplinary probation may be extended beyond a previously specified time for prior violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
  11. Disciplinary Probation (Student Organization/Greek Letter Organization): A specified period of time during which a student organization's membership has an opportunity to demonstrate their ability to be responsible members of the New York Tech community. A student organization may be required to complete additional educational activities and may be restricted from recruitment activities; participation in certain specified events/activities; entering certain facilities, classes, or offices; or contacting/communicating (verbal, nonverbal, physical, or electronic) with specific individuals or groups. Any further violation of the Student Code of Conduct places the student organization's status with the college in jeopardy.
  12. No Contact (Individual Student): A mandate to refrain from contact with a designated student or students. Contact may include, but is not limited to, communication through email, phone, voicemail, websites, or friends.
  13. Suspension (Individual Student): Suspension from academic enrollment and revocation of other privileges or activities, and the privilege to enter all campuses for a period of time not to exceed two years. Conditions that will permit the student's readmission, if appropriate, will be specifically outlined in writing. Any communications with the institution and student during the period of suspension will be directed to the Dean of Students (or designee).
  14. Suspension (Student Organization/Greek Letter Organization): Suspension from and revocation of all privileges or activities for a period of time not to exceed two years. Conditions that will permit the student organization's reinstatement, if appropriate, will be specifically outlined in writing.
  15. Expulsion (Individual Student): Complete termination of student status and academic enrollment for any indefinite period of time. This sanction may be recommended by any New York Tech student conduct body, but shall be imposed, after review of the file, by the Dean of Students (or designee). Conditions that will permit the student's readmission, if appropriate, will be specifically outlined in writing. If the Dean of Students (or designee) does not agree with the recommendation, the case will be sent back to the student conduct body for re-sanctioning. Any communications with the institution and student during the period of expulsion will be directed to the Dean of Students (or designee).
  16. Expulsion (Student Organization/Greek Letter Organization): Complete termination of a student organization's status and recognition by New York Tech and revocation of all privileges and activities for an indefinite period of time. This sanction may be recommended by any New York Tech student conduct body but shall be imposed, after review of the file, by the dean of students. Conditions that will permit the student organization's reinstatement, if appropriate, will be specifically outlined in writing.
B. Counseling Assessment

Referral for assessment at the Counseling and Wellness Center or a certified/licensed agency may be required for alcohol/drug cases, general mental health, or other mental health issues. In cases of probation, suspension, or expulsion, counseling assessment conditions that permit the student's satisfactory completion of the probationary status or readmission to New York Tech will be specifically outlined in writing.