Student Employee Handbook: U.S. Edition


The New York Institute of Technology Student Employee Handbook consists of policies, procedures, regulations, and guidelines regarding student employment at New York Institute of Technology. The purpose of the Student Employee Handbook is to assist students in understanding the student employment process.

It is the responsibility of the student to understand, follow, and adhere to all policies, procedures, and processes contained in this handbook. By accepting employment through the office of student employment, the student acknowledges that he/she will abide by all applicable laws, policies, procedures, regulations, and rules governing student employment operations and processes. From time to time, updated information concerning changes in policy or an entirely new handbook may be distributed. Student Employees are encouraged to access the current handbook through the Office of Student Employment website. The college reserves the right, without prior notice, to alter, modify, amend, cancel, or terminate any of its policies, procedures, practices, and terms of employment.

The office of student employment also serves as a clearinghouse for all on-campus student employment opportunities. The student employment staff assists New York Tech students, faculty, and community service agencies with all student employment related matters. Please visit or contact the office of student employment to learn more about student employment opportunities.

Student employment is available to matriculated students who are in good academic standing, and for a number of jobs on campus, have demonstrated financial need. Financial need is determined by the Office of Financial Aid, and is based on information provided in the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) form. If you are unaware of your Federal Work-Study status, please go to the Office of Financial Aid and meet with a representative. Although international students are not eligible for Federal aid, they can apply for other on-campus student employment funded through the Student Aid Program, which is administered through the office of student employment.

Please direct questions to:

Student Employment
Career Success and Experiential Education
New York Institute of Technology
1855 Broadway
New York, NY 10023
Tel 516.686.7606/212.261.1688

Equal Opportunity Employment

Please refer to New York Tech's Equal Opportunity Policy.

At-Will Employment

New York State is an "employment-at-will" state. Students employed by New York Tech will be considered at-will employees. The employment relationship may be terminated at-the-will of either party. The at-will employment rule allows a supervisor or the Office of Student Employment to terminate a student employee at any time and for any reason, unless a contract, state or federal law, constitutional requirements, or public policy prevents the firing. This policy does not apply to the employment relationship of students who are employed as union employees or for certain graduate assistantships.

Authority and Distribution

Every student employee of New York Tech has access to this Student Employee Handbook via the Office of Student Employment web pages. The Student Employee Handbook is up-to-date, and contains the complete and accurate policies of our institution as of the published date.

Classification Of Student Employment

Student employment positions run from July 1st through June 30th.

Student Aid (SA)

On-campus positions fully funded by New York Tech. These positions are open to any matriculated students regardless of their financial aid package. Students are paid on an hourly basis.

Federal Work-study (FWS)

Positions are fully funded by the U.S. government awarded to eligible students as part of their financial aid package. Funds are earned by working on or off campus for an hourly wage.

To receive funds, you must file a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and indicate that you would like to be considered for this program. After the FAFSA has been filed, New York Tech's Financial Aid office will determine if you are eligible and the amount you are eligible to receive.

Check Student Service HUB > Financial Aid Package for eligibility. If you do not see an award, but think you may be eligible, please contact the Financial Aid office.

Federal Work-Study Community Service (FWS-CS)

Students who have Federal Work Study (FWS) can use these funds to work off campus at non-profit employers. These positions offer excellent resume-building experiences and opportunities to network. Positions are open to students of all majors.

Graduate Assistantships

New York Tech offers a number of graduate assistantships to qualified students enrolled in our graduate degree programs. Depending on your skills, experience, and the needs of a specific program, you may be asked to assist professors in the classroom, laboratory, or studio; to assist in research or professional projects; or to help manage a department office or facility.


The New York Tech graduate assistantship program is available to full-time matriculated students in a graduate program. Graduate assistants (GA) may not participate in the institution's work-study program or be student aides at the same time, even if they work for two different departments. (Graduate students who are not graduate assistants may be eligible for work-study or may work as student aides). Part-time employees, including graduate assistants, may not work more than 999 hours in a single calendar year. These graduate assistantship guidelines have been revised to adhere to recent Immigration and Naturalization Service and federal income tax regulations. No exceptions can be made to these regulations. The Office of Academic Affairs coordinates all graduate assistantships. If you have any questions, please call 516.686.7630.

On-Campus International Student Employment

Please refer to International Student Employment.

Off-Campus International Student Employment

Please refer to the Office of International Education (OIE).

Eligibility Requirements for Working On-Campus

Hiring Process

Please refer to Student Jobs.

Student Code of Conduct

The Office of Student Employment is under the division of Student Affairs. The Student Code of Conduct, which is a part of the New York Tech Student Handbook: U.S. Edition, applies to all student employees.

Conflict of Interest/Family Relationships in the Workplace

A conflict of interest exists when you or a member of your immediate family benefit financially, either directly or indirectly, from your employment in a way other than your compensation and benefits paid by New York Tech. A conflict of interest may also exist if you engage in any activity that adversely influences your judgment in the performance of your job duties. It is against New York Tech policy for students to work in the same department or office as a relative, including spouses, fathers, mothers, guardians, sons, daughters, cousins, and grandparents.

Upon discovering a conflict of interest or the appearance of a conflict of interest, the employee must notify the Assistant Director of Student Employment in writing. Unless the Assistant Director of Student Employment determines that the conflict is not real or is too insubstantial to merit further consideration, the employee must either eliminate the conflict of interest or refrain from all discussion and approval of the subject of the conflict as directed by the Associate Provost, Educational Innovation/Director, CTL. All employees are required to follow the guidelines prescribed above. If clarification of the guidelines is required, employees are encouraged to consult with the Assistant Director of Student Employment. Supervisors requiring further clarification may contact Student Employment.


Students are prohibited from possessing, distributing, or sharing information obtained through work as a student employee, regardless of purpose or use, or using departmental information or services for the benefit of oneself or others. Confidentiality violations are grounds for immediate termination of employment and disciplinary action through the Office of the Dean of Campus Life.

The security and confidentiality of records (electronic, computerized and in print) are a matter of concern for all New York Tech personnel who have access to any college-related files, documents or internal/external records. New York Tech databases are a repository of computerized information stored in the centralized computer system of New York Tech and maintained by its administrative owners and Information Technology Services. This includes, but is not limited to internal/external records associated with the functions of the following offices: student employment, registrar, bursar, financial aid, admissions, residential services, and dean of students.

Student employees who work in departments where records of a confidential and/ or sensitive nature are maintained, hold a position requiring the highest level of trust, ethics and integrity. Therefore, it is imperative that student employees recognize the responsibilities of preserving the security and confidentiality of the information, regardless if in print or electronic format. Students are expected to sign the Office of Student Employment Confidentiality Contract Agreement on or before their first date of employment.

Workplace Violence

Please refer to the New York Tech Employee Handbook.

Workplace Inspections

Please refer to "Workplace Inspections and Employee Privacy" in the New York Tech Employee Handbook.

Non-Discrimination and Discriminatory Harassment Policy

Please refer to the New York Tech Employee Handbook.


Work-study students and student hourly employees are not eligible for benefits, such as paid vacation and holidays. Student employees may be eligible for paid time off and sick leave as set forth below. Under certain circumstances, student employees may be eligible for unpaid leave under the Federal Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), or for paid leave under New York's Paid Family Leave law. Student employees are not entitled to State Unemployment Insurance through New York State but are covered under Workers Compensation.

Paid Sick Leave Policy, United States Based Student Employees

New York Institute of Technology provides Paid Sick Leave (PSL) to all, New York and Arkansas, student employees hired through work-study and student aid funding. Graduate Assistants are not eligible to receive PSL.

PSL will follow the calendar year and is accrued based on hours worked. Unless otherwise noted, employees who will be out sick must contact their designated supervisor as soon as possible or a minimum of one hour prior to the start of their shift.

Paid Sick Leave can be utilized for the following reasons:

Student employees will accrue one (1) hour of PSL for every thirty (30) hours worked, according to submitted timesheets, to a maximum of fifty-six (56) hours per calendar year. Up to fifty-six (56) hours of PSL may be carried over into the following calendar year, as long as the student employee does not have more than a year break in employment. For example, a student who works in the fall doesn’t work in spring or summer, but then works again in Fall is able to keep their accruals.

In no event shall the total PSL to be taken exceed fifty-six (56) hours during any one year. Unused PSL is not payable upon termination of employment.

Student employees will be paid their normal rate of pay for any paid leave time under this law, or the applicable minimum wage rate, whichever is greater. Used PSL must be recorded in the student employee weekly timesheets. Student employees will be able to view their PSL accruals at the top of each timesheet. Supervisors will be able to view accrued balances under the “Funds” tab.

The minimum amount of PSL that can be utilized is either ½ day or the scheduled shift for that day, whichever is the lesser figure.


An employer cannot retaliate against an employee in any way for exercising their rights to use PSL.

Student Aid vs. Work-Study

Student Aid: If a student is hired through student aid, and takes PSL, the hours taken count against their total award.

Work-Study: If a student is hired through work-study, and takes PSL, the hours taken will not count against their total award and is covered by the Office of Student Employment.

PSL hours count toward the weekly 20 hour maximum (or 35 hours while school is on break).

Worker's Compensation

All College employees, including student employees, are covered by worker's compensation for illness, injury or death arising out of and in the course of employment. If you become ill or injured on the job and the illness or injury results in an absence from work in excess of seven calendar days, worker's compensation may provide weekly benefits. Medical expenses resulting from an on-the-job illness or injury may also be covered. It is imperative that you report any on-the-job illnesses or injuries to the office of student employment and the Office of Human Resources within three days of the incident, either in person or by telephone. Failure to do so may result in the forfeiture of worker's compensation benefits. The office of student employment along with the Office of Human Resources is responsible for filing a worker's compensation claim on your behalf.

Jury Duty

Student employees who are summoned for jury duty are entitled to leave during the period of their jury duty. The student should notify his or her supervisor as soon as possible to allow the supervisor to arrange for any necessary substitutions. Non-work-study student employees on jury duty leave who have a regular work schedule will be paid their salary up to $40 per day for the first three days of jury duty under the following circumstances:


Payroll and Direct Deposit

Please refer to Payroll and Timesheets.

Pay Rates

The hourly pay rates are set by the Office of Student Employment (OSE) and are based on the skill-level set and responsibilities required in the position. Supervisors may recommend a pay rate using the Pay Rate Selection Form. The minimum hourly pay rates are $15 per hour.

Meal Breaks

Student workers must be provided with an unpaid half-hour break after six hours of work.

Work Schedule

Student Employee Expectations


Student employees must report to work at the time agreed upon with their supervisor. A supervisor or someone else in the department must be called immediately if lateness is anticipated. Repeated lateness and absences may result in discipline and termination. If you are unable to attend work on any given day, give your supervisor as much notice as possible. It may be helpful to program your supervisor's phone number into your cell phone. In many cases, your supervisor will have to find a replacement for you. If class schedules change after work hours are scheduled, or if exams are scheduled on work days, students should notify their supervisors as soon as possible so that work hours can be rescheduled. Student employees and supervisors should understand the student employee's first priority at New York Tech is academic success. Student employees must be attentive and responsive to work schedules so that the delivery of services can be fulfilled within the New York Tech community or organization.

Dress Code

Supervisors may require dress codes when they are reasonable and rationally related to the purpose or function of the employing department. You must comply with a supervisor's request regarding appropriate attire.


Student employees are expected to abide by all general New York Tech community standards and the Student Code of Conduct. Student employees must refrain from:


Students are responsible for their actions when they are at work. They should:

Cell Phone Usage

While we recognize that there may be times when personal calls must be made at work, we ask that students should limit this as much as possible. During work hours, all cell phones must be put on vibrate mode. Please ask friends and professors not to call or text you at work.

Job Performance Evaluation

While evaluations are not mandatory, student employees may, from time to time, be rated on the following by supervisors:

These evaluations may determine your job placement and security for the upcoming semester. This could also determine a pay rate increase, if requested by the supervisor.

Changing Or Leaving A Job

Transferring Positions