GPA Calculator

The GPA calculator will help you calculate the EXPECTED cumulative GPA (cGPA) based on the information you enter.

  1. Go to your Student Center and select Grades from your drop-down menu.
  2. Select your most recent semester from the list and view the table under Term Statistics.
  3. Find your Total Grade Points and your Units Taken Toward GPA in the Term Statistics table and add them to the Actual row in the calculator.
    Click on “Get GPA”. This should match your current cGPA.
  4. Add your courses, credits and expected grades into the calculator and click the Get GPA button again. This will show you how the expected grades that you entered will affect your current cGPA.
The GPA Calculator is only available on larger screen sizes.
Course Name Credits Expected Grade Grade Points Original Grade
(If Repeating Course)
Grade Points
  Total Grade Points Units Taken Toward GPA Cum. GPA

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