Writing Resources

Whether you are a Communication Arts major, an Engineering major, or anything in between, it is imperative that you graduate from college with highly proficient writing skills. It will not only help you in your job search, but it is a critical part of being an active and engaged member of your community.

Writing Handbooks:

  • The Little, Brown Handbook: This interactive guide book includes video tutorials and lessons on the writing process and techniques on crafting effective arguments.
  • A Writer’s Reference: For students who want to improve writing, grammar, and research skills, this website offers exercises and tutorials in addition to ESL help.
  • Strunk and White: Elements of Style: One of the seminal books used to learn how to write clearly, effectively, and persuasively. This book is a quick read and an important one for anyone looking to improve their writing style.

Reference and Research:

  • New York Tech Library Database: The New York Tech Library’s website is filled with important and useful resources, such as database search engines, video tutorials, and citation help.
  • Library of Congress: The Library of Congress has a large selection historic newspapers, photos, and sound recordings which can serve as effective primary source materials.
  • Purdue Online Writing Lab: A a comprehensive writing site with multimedia resources covering everything from basic college composition to professional writing.
  • Google Scholar: Just like the Google you know and love, but for scholarly books and articles. This is a  great resource when looking for academic articles on virtually any topic.
  • Citation Machine: Citing your sources is required, not optional – failure to cite properly could lead to unintended plagiarism. This site makes it easy – choose your format (MLA or APA), input the required information, and your citation will be created for you.

ESL Resources:


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