Innovation in Action Feedback

Participating in the strategic planning process benefits the entire New York Tech community. We seek feedback from community members throughout planning and implementation regarding New York Tech’s strategic action plan. Please follow the links below to submit your suggestions, ideas, or feedback.


New York Tech seeks to optimize student success, drive innovation and discovery with diverse talent, sharpen institutional identity, and fortify institutional viability.

Across these goals, New York Tech commits to strengthening equity consciousness, improving operational efficiency and resource effectiveness, and enhancing digital transformation.

We welcome your feedback, ideas, and suggestions for actions that will help us reach these goals and embrace these themes.

To better understand your experiences, New York Tech has conducted several student surveys. We want to make sure we do our best to support you in several areas, including:

  • Making sure all students feel welcome on campus
  • Supporting your overall well-being
  • Providing excellent teaching and learning opportunities
  • Providing opportunities for hands-on educational & professional experiences

How do you think New York Tech can continue to improve in at least one of these areas?

New York Tech alumni are a critical part of our community and provide important insights into how we can progress.

As we create, implement, and continually assess our strategic action plan, we welcome your ideas about New York Tech can engage you and other alumni in:

  • Optimizing student success
  • Sharpening our identity
  • Driving innovation and discovery with diverse talent
  • Fortifying institutional viability

Leave blank if you'd like to be anonymous.

Leave blank if you'd like to be anonymous.

Can the Steering Committee reach out?*

How would you prefer to receive communications about the action plan?*

Would you be interested in participating on a plan implementation team?


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