Curriculum Requirements

Minor in Energy Science, Technology, and Policy

Minor Requirements

Required Courses Credits:
IENG 122 Energy Science and Technology 3
Scientific principles and technological innovations related to energy resources are covered. Students examine conventional energy sources such as oil and gas; alternative energy sources such as solar, wind, hydropower, biomass and ocean energy systems; and environmental issues such as air quality, water quality and waste management.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3
ETCS 105 Career Discovery 2
Prerequisite: Course is limited to Engineering and Computing Sciences majors, Life Science Biomedical Engineering majors, or minors in Energy Science, Technology & Policy

The course experience provides the skills and tools necessary for a technical career while enabling students to develop confidence in their academic endeavors. The creative role in the multi-disciplinary design and development process is emphasized in addition to communication skills, ethical, legal, and professional responsibilities. This course will also introduce students to campus resources, effective time management skills, study skills, financial literacy, and career planning. This course may be waived for students with sophomore or higher status.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 2-0-2
IENG 285 Energy Technology Project 3
Prerequisite: Prerequisite: IENG 122

Multi-disciplinary teams will collaborate on projects which explore practical applications of energy technologies. Students will outline project requirements, collect relevant information, explore feasibility, develop proposals, implement demonstrations, and communicate their findings.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3
ETCS 365 Engineering and Computing Sciences Internship 1
An integral part of the College of Engineering and Computing Science degree programs, this course provides students with an opportunity to work in a professional environment in areas appropriate to their field of study. To be eligible, students must be in good academic standing and the permission of his/ her chairperson. The grade is on a Pass/ Fail basis and is to be determined by the faculty advisor through assignments. This course will be in addition to the required courses for the degree. If work for the same company for internship, students can complete course requirements between semesters and/or subsequent semesters as long as they are registered for classes and maintain matriculation in the semester before and after the break. This course may be repeated. Classroom Hours- Laboratory and/ or Studio Hours- Course Credits: 1-0-1.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 1-0-1.
IENG 590 Energy Policy, Economics, and Technology 3
Analysis of past energy production and consumption patterns, and projections for the future. Overview of energy resources and utilization technologies, both conventional and alternative. Examination of energy production and pricing decisions, regulations, taxation, economic efficiency, and social welfare. Evaluation of energy policies, with special emphasis on the feasibility and desirability of available and evolving alternatives.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3
    Total: 12 Credits
Elective Courses (choose one) Credits:
BIOL 107 Environmental Sciences 3
A multi-disciplinary approach is taken to the environmental and ecological sciences emphasizing principles, problems, and alternative approaches to solutions. Students study how the equilibrium and stability of ecosystems are affected by human activity. Current models are examined for their efficacy in solving environmental degradation problems. The issues are treated in sufficient depth to permit quantitative reasoning and assessment, especially in such vital topics as demographic trends of humanity in a resource-limited biosphere. Human physiological and behavioral requisites are interwoven with the fabric of culture and technology in modern society. Information systems and models are used. In addition to lectures and seminars, students are required to become involved in a term activity, project or paper, which may integrate several disciplines.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3
PHYS 156 Environmental and Energy Issues 3
Please view all course descriptions:
ICSS 309 Technology and Global Issues 3
Prerequisite: Prerequisite: Take one course in each group: Group 1 (FCWR 101 or FCWR 111 or WRIT 101 or WRIT 111) and Group 2 (FCWR 151 or FCWR 161 or WRIT 151 or WRIT 161). Course is limited to juniors and seniors.

In this course the relationships between technology and global concerns are explored. Topics such as sustainable development, standards, ethics, environmental concerns and public policies related to design and development, energy, transportation, air and water facing both developed and developing nations will be discussed. Open to juniors and seniors only.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3
IENG 510 Energy Management 3
This course will examine a total management system needed for planning and control of energy resources in an organization, setting of objectives, developing policies and procedures, organizing and staffing, reporting and controlling, and dealing with top management. Students will conduct preliminary and detailed energy audits, prepare energy balances, and identify conservation opportunities. Economic evaluation methods will be covered, including ranking and analyzing capital projects (pay back, discounted cash flow, net present value methods), cost accounting systems designed to highlight energy costs, and setting up performance evaluation systems. Students in this course will also study the history of energy technology, energy efficiency in buildings, and utility regulation.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3
    Total: 3 Credits
Total Required Credits = 15