Curriculum Requirements

Advanced Certificate in Environmental Management

Major Requirements

Choose three Environmental Management courses (ENGY or OHSE) Credits:
ENGY 640 Independent Guided Project 3
Research projects, literature reviews, annotated bibliographies, development and validation of instructional sequences undertaken in this format should be in depth studies not available within the program offerings and comparable in work demands to the regular credit hour design. One credit of Guided Project is equal to three hours of academic work per week for 15 weeks.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3
ENGY 660 Environmental Policy Seminar 3
The social, ethical, political and economic dimensions of environmental issues are explored to provide a balanced framework for policy development. Criteria and objectives for environmental policy are related to the roles of individuals, businesses, and government. Technology, energy utilization, and natural resource management are viewed from the perspective of citizen participation, ecological lifestyles, sustainable societies, global consequences of human activities are examined in the context of international relations, Third World development, and the worldwide environmental movement.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3
ENGY 681 Environmental Safety in Health Facilities 3
A safe environment for employees, patients and others must be paramount at a healthcare facility. Students will evaluate potential environmental hazards, including chemical storage, pharmaceuticals and pathogens. Comprehensive plans are developed, which integrate personal protective equipment, lab safety procedures, monitoring devices, response protocols and reporting requirements.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3
ENGY 740 Solar Energy Technology 3
Prerequisite: Prerequisite: ENGY 710

This course covers advanced concepts of solar energy. Students engage in performance analysis of complex solar energy systems. Current industry standard system analysis and synthesis tools are used to design and model energy delivery systems using solar energy. Computational models for energy efficiency and cost optimizations are explored; and students work with weekly case studies to evaluate example applications. A research paper on a contemporary solar energy topic is required.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3
ENGY 750 Energy and Environmental Law 3
Analysis of strategies to simultaneously insure compliance with environmental law and energy project facilitation through detailed examination of legal remedies and policy options to regulate, control and abate energy related environmental impact. Emphasis is placed on implementing sustainable practices and minimizing environmental impacts stemming from utilization and pricing of conventional and renewable energy resources including toxic pollution, solid wastes, air and water quality, greenhouse effect, acid rain and climate change.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3
ENGY 760 Transportation Technology Seminar 3
The various modes of transportation are studied, from the perspectives of energy efficiency, environmental impact, economic feasibility, and land use implications. Vehicle design and capabilities are reviewed, in the context of an overall transportation network. Emerging transportation technologies are discussed, such as alternative fuel vehicles, electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles, and high speed rail systems.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3
ENGY 775 Alternative Energy Systems 3
In this course, the wide range of alternative energy options available for heating, cooling, transportation and power generation are presented. Renewable energy resources, such as solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and biomass, are discussed in depth. Distributed generation systems, including fuel cells, photovoltaics, and mircroturbines, are analyzed from technical, economic, and environmental perspectives.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3
ENGY 850 Advanced Topics Seminar 3
Energy related topics and issues of current interest will be discussed and analyzed. Course content will vary, in response to developments in the energy field. Discussions and assignments will focus on a particular area of study, such as total energy systems, experimental vehicles, or decentralized electricity production. This course may be repeated, if content has changed.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3
OHSE 601 Safety Management Systems 3
Fundamental concepts and principles of industrial accident prevention and loss control; safety program organization; hazard recognition and evaluation; accident investigation; and personal protective equipment. The ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Standard will provide the framework for the course.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3
    Total: 9 Credits
Choose three Environmental Technology courses (ENVT or OHSE) Credits:
ENVT 601 Introduction to Environmental Technology 3
The course focuses on fundamental concepts and problem-solving methods that address environmental conditions, pollution monitoring and prevention, and other approaches for protecting air, land, biota, and water. Topics include: scientific and engineering principles, environmental impacts, sustainability principles, regulations and technology associated with water resources, air quality, toxic and hazardous substances and waste.

ENVT 605 Hydrology and Groundwater Contamination 3
This required course is an introduction to hydrology, groundwater flow dynamics, watershed management, contaminant transport, remediation techniques, sustainable use and water quality protection.- Course Credits: 3-0-3

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3
ENVT 620 Introduction to Waste Management 3
A survey of waste collection, salvage and disposal techniques. Design optimization, cost analysis, classification, storage, transportation and government regulations will be covered.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3
ENVT 650 Hazardous Waste Operations 3
A 40-hour OSHA training course designed for individuals who are engaged in hazardous substance removal or are exposed to potentially hazardous substances and health hazards. The instructor will offer hands on practice in the use of monitoring equipment, cleaning/use/storage of SCBA and personal protective equipment, cleanup methods and practice in decontamination.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3
ENVT 655 Fundamentals of Air Pollution 3
An analysis of the causes of air pollution and climate change including the use and regulation of fossil fuels in power plants and transportation vehicles. Sustainability, life cycle analysis, measurements, design and operational techniques to improve air quality will be covered in addition to its ecological impact on the Earth.- Course Credits: 3-0-3

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3
ENVT 720 Environmental Audits and Monitoring 3
The course will cover environmental compliance audits, reviews, and monitoring techniques for surface and subsurface site inspections including petrochemical contamination and underground storage tanks.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3
ENVT 730 Geographical Information Systems 3
Geographical information system (GIS) is a computer mapping and analysis technology that utilizes a powerful information database for analysis of spatial data. It is currently used for environmental monitoring and analysis, resource and facilities management, and planning of utility and transportation networks.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3
ENVT 750 Environmental Risk Assessment 3
The assessment of risk and understanding of natural and technological hazards harmful to the environment. This case study course will focus on hazards involving energy, oil, transportation, manufacturing, chemicals, nuclear power, and biotechnology.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3
OHSE 650 Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Health 3
Recognition, evaluation, and control of industrial hazards due to chemical and physical agents. Topics include occupational health standards, regulatory agency activities, effects of contaminants on human health, sampling and control of hazards, current issues.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3
OHSE 701 Emergency Response Management 3
This class covers the biology of microorganisms and toxins most frequently considered in perpetrated attacks. It also considers technology for detection and control for first responders, lab practitioners and other healthcare professionals, emergency communication, and prevention. In addition to lecture activities, students participate in group projects to simulate bioterrorism events and responses; government regulation, chain of evidence, and related topics are covered. The FEMA National Incident Management System (NIMS) will be used as the management framework.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3
OHSE 750 Training, Education, and Communication for Safety Engineers 3
Concepts to build a strong and sustainable safety culture are the foundation of this course. Students will display knowledge of adult learning theory and techniques; presentation tools; culture and climate of the workplace; data collection, needs analysis, gap analysis, and feedback systems; assessing competency of the workforce.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3
    Total: 9 Credits
Total Program Credits = 18