Curriculum Requirements

Doctorate in Occupational Therapy

Major Requirements

Year One Credits:
OCTH 602 Gross Anatomy (w/lab) 4
Prerequisite: Corequisites: OCTH 604

The overall objective of this course is the investigation of all major anatomical areas by region. The focus of the course is on musculoskeletal and neurological anatomy of the extremities, back, neck, and head. Lectures cover the anatomical structures to be dissected in the laboratory and address the organization, histological, and embryological development of the various regions. The functional anatomy of the musculoskeletal structures is emphasized. Specific instructions are provided to the student to encourage an efficient dissection.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-5-4
OCTH 607 Childhood Development 2
Prerequisite: Prerequisites: OCTH 602, OCTH 604 Corequisites: OCTH 615, OCTH 608, OCTH 609

This course introduces the student to theories and factors that influence human growth and development from birth through adolescence, and explores how these factors are embedded in the scope of occupational therapy. The student, through lectures, readings, observations, classroom exercises, and assignments, examines the elements that influence normal development in order to understand the role these factors play in occupational therapy practice. Topics includes prenatal development, reflexes, motor, musculoskeletal, cognitive and perceptual development.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3
OCTH 608 Adult Development and Geriatrics 2
Prerequisite: Prerequisites: OCTH 602, OCTH 604 Corequisites: OCTH 607, OCTH 609, OCTH 615

This course introduces the students to age-related changes across adulthood in areas of social, cognitive, and physical functioning. Changes to occupational performance in daily activities, social roles and relationships, loss and death will be examined through the life span. Students will explore other concepts that affect functioning across the life span such as motivation, personality and stress.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 2-0-2
OCTH 612 Conditions in Pediatrics 3
Prerequisite: Prerequisites: OCTH 602, OCTH 604 Corequisites: OCTH 614, OCTH 613

This course will provide an overview of pathological conditions commonly encountered in the practice of pediatric occupational therapy. The course will cover the clinical presentation of pathological conditions, prognosis, diagnostics, medical treatment interventions, and the implications for the occupational therapy provider. The student, through lectures, readings, observations, classroom exercises, and assignments, examines the elements that influence and hinder development in order to understand the role these factors play in occupational therapy practice. Classroom Hours- Laboratory and/or Studio Hours- Course Credits: 3-0-3

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3
OCTH 613 Neuroscience 3
This is an introduction to the science of the nervous system for the physical and occupational therapist that provides the basic understanding of the anatomy of the nervous system and its function. A review of the histology and embryology of the major divisions of the nervous system is followed by a systems approach to the study of the special senses, cognition, and psychological and motor functions. Functional aspects of neuroscience are explored through examples of common neurological clinical problems in order to provide a solid foundation for planning therapeutic interventions.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3
OCTH 614 Physical Conditions in Adults 3
Prerequisite: Prerequisites: OCTH 602, OCTH 604, OCTH 608 Corequisites: OCTH 612, OCTH 613

This course will provide an overview of pathological conditions commonly encountered in the practice of occupational therapy with adults. The course will cover the clinical presentation of pathological conditions, prognosis, diagnostics, medical treatment interventions, and the implications for the occupational therapy provider. Classroom Hours- Laboratory and/or Studio Hours- Course Credits: 3-0-3

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3
OCTH 615 Kinesiology (w/lab) 4
Kinesiology is the study of human motion as applied to evaluation of joint motion and muscle function. Palpation of joints, bony prominences, and muscles as well as manual muscle testing, range of motion, and goniometry skills will be addressed.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-3-4
OCTH 617 Occupation and Task Analysis (w/lab) 2
This course introduces students to the concept of occupation and the role of occupation as the philosophical underpinning of the profession of occupational therapy. Context, occupation and task analysis are explored from the lens of how context shapes and influences occupational performance in the impact on health and well-being. The student will begin to analyze human activity for the purpose of facilitating occupational performance. Lecture, class discussions, readings, written and oral assignments, laboratory exercise and online discussions are used to facilitate learning. Classroom Hours- Laboratory and/or Studio Hours- Course Credits: 1-2-2

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 1-2-2
OCTH 621 Introduction to Occupational Therapy: History and Theory 3
In this course students will explore the history, philosophy, foundational theories, and conceptual frameworks that underpin the fundamental principles of the occupational therapy profession and contemporary practice. Students will also be introduced to the topics of professionalism, ethical principles that guide practice, cultural humility, and the overarching concepts of evidence based clinical decision-making. This course will foster an understanding of the roles and responsibilities of the occupational therapy practitioner, as part of the interdisciplinary healthcare team, across diverse populations and practice settings.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3
OCTH 645 Research I: Research Methods in Occupational Therapy (w/lab) 3
Prerequisite: Prerequisites: OCTH 604, OCTH 616 Corequisites: OCTH 650

This course introduces the students to the foundational concepts in statistics and research methods in occupational therapy (OT). Through lectures and textbook readings, the students will be introduced to basic descriptive, inferential and correlational statistics, the research process, research methods, psychometric properties, sampling, and evidence-based practice. The lab will provide in-class individual and group exercises that allow the students to apply the knowledge gained in class using outcome-directed assignments such as identifying clinical research questions, locating and retrieving research articles, creating literature reviews, reading and interpreting statistics, critiquing research articles, appraising evidence, and constructing surveys. By the end of this course the students will learn how to use evidence and research findings in making robust and relevant clinical decisions for the client, group, or populations.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 2-2-3
OCTH 650 Examination of Populations, Conditions, Contexts, and Occupational Barriers 2
Prerequisite: Prerequisites: OCTH 606, OCTH 618 Corequisites: OCTH 645, OCTH 619

This course is the final course in the professional development series for OTO students. While students examined ways in which they can be reflective practitioners, and engaged in self-reflection, self-assessment, goal setting and various activities that promote professional growth in previous courses, in this course, students begin to actively engage in comprehensive and in-depth scholarly activities by developing an initial idea regarding the capstone project. The project allows the students to synthesize and apply the knowledge gained in previous courses and throughout the curriculum. Students will work in-depth on developing initial components for a scholarly capstone project that involves one or more of the following areas in relevance to the anticipated doctoral experience later in the curriculum: Clinical practice skills, research skills, administration, leadership, program and policy development, advocacy, education, or theory development. Those components include learning and applying the professions ethical standards, application of theory that informs the project, learning professional communications, including the importance of a professional social media presence, and initial work on developing learning objectives needed for the capstone project experience. Students will also gain insight into their own health, well-being and quality of life and recognize its importance for participating in the role of occupational therapy doctoral student.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 2-0-2
OCTH 700 Health Promotion: Bridging Occupational Therapy Practice and the Community 3
Prerequisite: Prerequisites: OCTH 604, OCTH 616 Corequisites: OCTH 701

The Health Promotion: Societal and Community Advocacy course is designed to enable the occupational therapy student to learn and develop the skills necessary to transform communities into healthier societies. Students learn to incorporate occupational therapy theory and frameworks with local, national and global societal health initiatives to address health policy, health systems and health equity factors. Students incorporate a client-centered approach to advocating and promoting health at the individual, community and organization level with all stakeholders. Students expose the voice of community members and cultivate inter-professional and cross-collaborative approaches for meeting population health needs and addressing health disparities. A major focus of this course is the students’ ability to examine client factors, culture, contexts, the environment and health determinants for understanding sociocultural norms related to epidemiology, prevention, chronic disease, injury, disability, trauma, substance abuse, violence, maternal and child and healthy lifestyles for social, emotional and physical well-being. Students learn to apply health promotion theories, models and evidence based practice strategies with traditional, innovative, high-impact and technology-based approaches for health promotion program planning and program evaluation that meet the diverse needs of local, national and global society.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3
OCTH 780 Innovative Assistive Technology and Universal Design 2
Prerequisite: Prerequisites: OCTH 602, OCTH 613, OCTH 615, OCTH 614, OCTH 612, OCTH 714, OCTH 707, OCTH 709 Corequisites: OCTH 777, OCTH 799, OCTH 744, OCTH 750, OCTH 781, OCTH 782

n this course, students will learn to develop creative solutions to meet the unique needs of individuals living with disability. Through the use of didactic lectures, guest speakers, assigned readings, field trips, and case-based projects, students will learn to develop innovative solutions to maximize client engagement in occupation. Students will learn about principles of universal design, accessibility, and assistive technology. Throughout the course, students will be guided in the selection of technology applications to assist with mobility, communication, personal care, and engagement in work, school, play, and leisure. Technologies covered include seating and wheeled mobility, environmental control, augmentative communication, computer access, and assistive technology for learning. Students will work collaboratively within their own department as well as with other departments and resources on campus to address barriers to participation in occupation.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 2-0-2
Year Two Credits:
OCTH 701 Research II: Applied Research in Occupational Therapy (w/lab) 3
This course introduces the students to different applied research designs both quantitative and qualitative such as randomized clinical trials, experimental designs, single-subject designs, and epidemiology studies. Through lecture and textbook readings, students will learn the foundation of the procedures of various research methods, and then through the lab engage in experiential learning to apply the knowledge gained in class through various assignments on designing and implementing different types of research methods. This also includes completion of mock research practices such as IRB applications, quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection and analysis, systematic reviews, meta-analyses, experimental designs, needs assessments and participatory research. This course also exposes them to dissemination strategies to report findings through various options including submitting a publication or grant application, engaging in peer review process, poster presentation and conference presentation. By the end of this course students will have practiced many of the necessary tools to engage in the research process that will help them in future courses and as future leaders and clinical researchers in OT.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 2-1-3
OCTH 705 Exploration of Capstone Approaches (w/lab) 3
Prerequisite: Prerequisites: OCTH 650, OCTH 701

This course prepares students to actively engage in comprehensive and in-depth scholarly activities by developing a capstone project while collaborating with a faculty capstone mentor/advisor. The project allows the students to synthesize and apply the knowledge gained in previous courses throughout the curriculum. The project will involve designing, implementing, and evaluating a scholarly study that aligns with the profession's current research priorities and is meant to advance knowledge translation, clinical or professional practices, service delivery, and professional issues. The topic of the project will be designed in one of four scholarship categories: Scholarship of Discovery, Scholarship of Integration, Scholarship of Application, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Within these four categories, the students will work in-depth on a scholarly study that involves one or more of the following areas in relevance to the anticipated doctoral experience later in the curriculum: Clinical practice skills, research skills, administration, leadership, program and policy development, advocacy, education, or theory development. The students will work with the faculty mentor to a) design a formal evaluation plan that will set individualized and specific objectives and ensures thorough assessment of the project outcomes; b) explore the supervision plan, which will follow a specific outline, and be co-created with the site supervisor and c) begin development of the formal proposal.

OCTH 707 OT Assessment in Pediatrics (w/lab) 3
Prerequisite: Prerequisites: OCTH 602, OCTH 604, OCTH 613, OCTH 615, OCTH 607, OCTH 612 Corequisites: OCTH 709, OCTH 714, OCTH 736

This course will provide an overview of assessment methods, screenings and tools that are used within the practice of pediatric settings. Drawing on foundations of study in anatomy, kinesiology, Development of the Child and Physical Conditions of the Child, students will learn to engage in clinical reasoning skills drawing from a variety of theoretical perspectives as they learn how to select and implement assessments based on the specific diagnosis, presentation and functional complaints of the child. Level 1 pediatric experience, case studies and videos will be utilized to reflect current pediatric occupational therapy practice. In addition, hands on learning activities will integrate the knowledge, skills and attitudes important for established and emerging areas of pediatric occupational therapy. Classroom Hours- Laboratory and/or Studio Hours- Course Credits: 2-3-3

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 2-3-3
OCTH 708 Psychosocial Disorders and OT Assessment (w/lab) 3
Prerequisite: OCTH 708

This course provides an exploration of psychosocial disorders and occupational therapy mental health assessment. Focus is on the classification of mental disorders categorized in the DSM-5. Students will learn how psychosocial conditions impact occupational performance of the individual from the dimensional perspectives of symptomatic features, culture, life span development, gender differences, genetic and environmental factors. Students will learn and demonstrate how to select and administer the appropriate standardized and non-standardized assessments that contribute to treatment planning, intervention design, evaluation, documentation, and discharge planning in psychosocial practice. Students will continue to develop their clinical reasoning skills as they explore ethical, cultural, social, and environmental factors associated with mental health disorders.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-2-3
OCTH 712 Physical Rehabilitation in OT I (w/lab) 3
Prerequisite: Prerequisites: OCTH 602, OCTH 614, OCTH 615, OCTH 621

Students will apply clinical reasoning skills as they learn how to implement various assessments and utilize findings to create individualized intervention plans for clients with a variety of physical conditions within the physical rehabilitation setting. Students will learn a variety of approaches to maximizing participation and wellbeing in the physical rehabilitation setting including assistive technology, wheelchair evaluation and treatment, driving rehabilitation, and physical mobility/transfers.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 2-3-3
OCTH 713 Physical Disabilities and Neuro Rehab in OT II (w/lab) 3
Prerequisite: Prerequisites: OCTH 712

Students will apply clinical reasoning skills as they learn how to implement assessments and develop individualized intervention plans for clients with neurologic disorders. Students will learn to apply principles of motor learning within the context of neurorehabilitation. Topics covered in this course will include principles of neuroplasticity, functional cognition, visual, and perceptual rehabilitation.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 2-3-3
OCTH 716 Level I Fieldwork A 3
Prerequisite: Prerequisites: Students have to have completed 30 credits.

This clinical course is the first of two required level I fieldwork experiences. Level 1A Fieldwork provides students with the opportunity to observe occupational therapy practice in one of three overarching settings: to a psychosocial/ community-based practice, adult physical rehabilitation, or pediatric practice*. The level I experience offers students opportunities to observe intervention sessions, interact with occupational therapy practitioners and/or other health care professionals, while continuing to develop professional behaviors and communication skills. Students will have opportunities for discussion and peer/faculty collaborations during the experience. *One of the two required Level I fieldwork experiences will have a mental health focus, as it applies to occupational performance.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 0-0-1
OCTH 717 Level I Fieldwork B 3
Please view all course descriptions:
OCTH 736 Administration and Leadership in Occupational Therapy 3
The Administration, Leadership and Entrepreneurship course is designed to enable the occupational therapy student to learn, develop and apply management, leadership and entrepreneurial principles and skills which are guided by foundational, theoretical and evidence-based approaches in occupational therapy. Students will become leaders and agents of change by addressing sociopolitical issues through advocacy and innovative health policy initiatives. Students will utilize diverse, inter-disciplinary approaches for leading, managing and developing traditional and novel practices and programs which address ethical, equitable, cultural, social and political factors in alignment with local, national and global societal issues. Students will further develop their professional portfolio. Student will learn and demonstrate ability to transform innovative policy-driven ideas into academic and community-based curriculum, business plans and grant proposals which are timely and essential tools necessary for addressing population, policy and sociocultural norms.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-0-3
OCTH 744 Upper Extremities and Hand Therapy (w/lab) 4
This class will provide an overview of assessment methods, screenings, and tools that are used within the practice of physical disabilities settings. Students will learn to engage in clinical reasoning skills as they learn how to select and implement assessments based on the specific diagnosis, presentation, and functional complaints of the client. Classroom Hours- Laboratory and/or Studio Hours- Course Credits: 3-3-4

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 3-3-4
OCTH 777 OT Interventions in Pediatrics (w/lab) 3
Prerequisite: Prerequisites: OCTH 602, OCTH 615, OCTH 607, OCTH 612, OCTH 707 Corequisites: OCTH 799, OCTH 744, OCTH 750

This course allows the student to develop the more advanced clinical reasoning skills needed to develop and implement client centered interventions that meet the needs of children and their families within various pediatric settings. Drawing on foundations of study in anatomy, kinesiology, Development of the Child, Physical Conditions of the Child and Occupational Therapy Assessments in Pediatrics students will learn to engage in clinical reasoning skills drawing from a variety of theoretical perspectives as they learn how to select and implement interventions based on evidence based practice in relation to the child’s specific diagnosis, presentation and functional complaints. Readings, lectures, case studies and videos will be utilized to reflect current pediatric occupational therapy practice. In addition, hands on learning activities will integrate the knowledge, skills and attitudes important for established and emerging areas of pediatric occupational therapy. Classroom Hours- Laboratory and/or Studio Hours- Course Credits: 2-3-3

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 2-3-3
OCTH 782 Capstone Development and Planning (w/lab) 2
Prerequisite: Prerequisites: OCTH 705 Corequisites: OCTH 780, OCTH 781

This course is a continuation of the process for students to actively engage in comprehensive and in-depth scholarly activities by developing a capstone project while collaborating with a faculty capstone mentor/advisor. The project allows the students to synthesize and apply the knowledge gained in previous courses throughout the curriculum. The project will involve designing, implementing, and evaluating a scholarly capstone project that aligns with the profession's current research priorities and is meant to advance knowledge translation, clinical or professional practices, service delivery, and professional issues. Students will work in-depth on a scholarly capstone project that involves one or more of the following areas related to the anticipated doctoral experience later in the curriculum: clinical practice skills, research skills, administration, leadership, program and policy development, advocacy, education, or theory development. The students will work with the faculty mentor to a) continue development of the formal proposal; b) work with chosen site to implement and complete a needs assessment; c) design their individual 14-week experience week by week; d) complete and present their formal capstone proposal.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 1-2-2
OCTH 783 Interprofessional Education and Collaboration (IPEC) 2
This course introduces the students to the professional concept of Interprofessional Education and Collaboration (IPEC) and its importance in promoting the highest-quality and most comprehensive health care for clients, groups, and populations. The key components of IPEC values/ethics, roles/responsibilities, interprofessional communication, and teamwork will be explored via case studies, readings, and group exercises.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 2-0-2
OCTH 792 Advanced Capstone Preparation 1
Please view all course descriptions:
OCTH 799 OT Interventions in Psychosocial Disorders and Group Process (w/lab) 3
The OT Interventions in Psychosocial & Group Process course advances learning from the OT Assessment in Psychosocial Disorders course and builds on evaluation, screening and assessment methods with clients whose psychosocial deficits impact performance. Students develop and implement client-centered interventions based on areas of occupation for both individual and group settings. Students explore group dynamics and the structure, function, and theories of group process as used by the occupational therapist. Students apply therapeutic use of self and clinical reasoning skills based on ethical, cultural, social and political factors which influence mental health treatment and therapeutic interventions for group practice. Classroom Hours- Laboratory and/or Studio Hours- Course Credits: 2-3-3

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 2-3-3
OCTH 850 Reflective Practice and Professional Development in Occupational Therapy (online) 2
The Clinical Reasoning and Professional Development course enables students to reflect, analyze, critique, and build upon their knowledge and experience from level II fieldwork, in order to expand their capacity to provide occupational therapy services which align with the scope and vision of the profession. Students learn to develop interpersonal and professional skills essential for practicing as a beginning level occupational therapist. Students identify their strengths and growth areas related to clinical reasoning and clinical competency in preparation for board certification and practice. Emphasis on local, national, and global service delivery enables students to expand their possibilities in choosing career options in traditional and emerging practice areas. Students apply prior learning based on evidence and ethical, cultural, social and political factors and develop a plan for success. Classroom Hours- Laboratory and/or Studio Hours- Course Credits: 2-0-2

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 2-0-2
OCTH 895 Level II Fieldwork A 3
Level II fieldwork is a full-time immersive clinical experience where students will deliver occupational therapy services to varied populations in diverse settings and contexts. “The goal of Level II fieldwork is to develop competent, entry-level, generalist occupational therapy practitioners. Level II fieldwork must be integral to the program’s curriculum design and must include an in-depth experience in delivering occupational therapy services to clients, focusing on the application of purposeful and meaningful occupation and research, administration, and management of occupational therapy services. It is recommended that the student be exposed to a variety of clients across the lifespan and to a variety of settings.” (ACOTE, 2018). After satisfactory completion of the didactic courses and level I fieldwork, the student will begin the first of two clinical education placements that can take place in a variety of traditional or nontraditional settings, that meet the selection criteria of the program, in accordance with the standards articulated by the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE ®). Fieldwork Level IIA is a 12-week, full-time experience designed to foster continued professional clinical competence and growth under the supervision of a licensed occupational therapist. The student is expected to increase skill level at progressively higher levels of performance with the goal of developing entry level practitioner skills by the completion of the fieldwork experience.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 0-3-3
Year Three Credits:
OCTH 896 Level II Fieldwork B 3
Level II fieldwork is a full-time immersive clinical experience where students will deliver occupational therapy services to varied populations in diverse settings and contexts. “The goal of Level II fieldwork is to develop competent, entry-level, generalist occupational therapy practitioners. Level II fieldwork must be integral to the program’s curriculum design and must include an in-depth experience in delivering occupational therapy services to clients, focusing on the application of purposeful and meaningful occupation and research, administration, and management of occupational therapy services. It is recommended that the student be exposed to a variety of clients across the lifespan and to a variety of settings.” (ACOTE, 2018). After satisfactory completion of the didactic courses, level I fieldwork, and level IIA fieldwork, the student will begin the second of two clinical education placements that can take place in a variety of traditional or nontraditional settings, that meet the selection criteria of the program, in accordance with the standards articulated by the Accreditation Council for Occupational Therapy Education (ACOTE ®). Fieldwork Level IIB is a 12-week, full-time experience designed to foster continued professional clinical competence and growth under the supervision of a licensed occupational therapist. The student is expected to increase skill level at progressively higher levels of performance with the goal of developing entry level practitioner skills by the completion of the fieldwork experience. Completion of Level IIA and IIB meets the 24-week minimum level II fieldwork requirement.

Classroom Hours - Laboratory and/or Studio Hours – Course Credits: 0-3-3
OCTH 792 Advanced Capstone Preparation 3
Please view all course descriptions:
OCTH 897 Doctoral Capstone Experience (14 weeks) 6
Prerequisite: Prerequisite: OCTH 782, OCTH 893, OCTH 894

This individual 14-week doctoral capstone experience (DCE) is offered to allow students to complete the previously designed doctoral capstone project (DCP). This experience consists of 560 hours on a site relevant to the capstone project area and starts upon the completion of all academic coursework, clinical fieldwork requirements, and doctoral capstone project planning. The DCE site will expose the student to one of the following areas: clinical practice skills, research skills, administration, leadership, program and policy development, advocacy, education, or theory development. By the end of this course students, in collaboration with the Doctoral Capstone Coordinator (DCC), site and expert mentors, will finalize their individual capstone projects and then present and disseminate their findings in appropriate forms or venue (e.g., publications, presentations, posters, etc).

Total Program Requirements = 91 credits