Cybersecurity Conference (2013)

Thursday, Sept. 19, 2013

NYIT Auditorium on Broadway
1871 Broadway at 61st Street
New York City

Presented by NYIT's School of Engineering and Computing Sciences, cyber security experts discussed topics such as protecting individuals and organizations against cyber-attacks, mobile device security, biometrics and big data analytics as cyber defense tools, and cyber education.

Speakers & Poster Presentations


  • Willie Tsang (NYIT undergraduate, REU 2013 fellow): "Collective Model of Future Smartphone Botnets"
  • Nicole Gutierrez, James Hanvey, and Carmine Belmonte (NYIT undergraduates, REU 2013 fellows): "Indoor Localization"
  • Nnanna Okorie (NYIT graduate student): "Power Analysis of Secure Multi-party Protocols on Android Smartphones"
  • Sathya Govindarajan (NYIT graduate student): "Secure Privacy-preserving Protocols for Outsourcing Continuous Authentication of Smartphone Users with Touch Data"


  • Ziqian (Cecilia) Dong, Ph.D. (NYIT): "IP Geolocation as a Forensics Tool"
  • Alberto Compagno, Mauro Conti (University of Padua), Paolo Gasti (NYIT), Gene Tsudik (University of California Irvine): "NDN Interest Flooding Attacks and Countermeasures!"
  • Wei Ding (NYIT), Kevin Prewitt (Carnegie Mellon University): "Multimodal Implicit Authentication of Mobile Phones Using Sonic Distance Measurements"
  • Kiran S. Balagani (NYIT), Vir V. Phoha (Louisiana Tech University), Andrew Rosenberg (Queens College, CUNY): "A New Cognition-Centric Paradigm for Continuous User Authentication"

Learn more about all of our Speakers and Presenters

Media Coverage

Follow the conversation on Twitter at #nyitcyber.



8:15 a.m.

Breakfast and Registration

9 a.m.


  • Nada Anid, Ph.D., Dean, NYIT School of Engineering and Computing Sciences
9:05 a.m.

Opening Remarks

  • Edward Guiliano, Ph.D., President, NYIT
9:15 a.m.


  • Honorable Gale Brewer, New York City Council
9:20 a.m.

"Achieving Confidence in Cyberspace in an Ever-Changing Ecosystem"

  • Debora Plunkett, Director, Information Assurance, National Security Agency
10:05 a.m.

"Cyber Security Education for the Next Generation—Emerging Best Practices"

  • Marisa S. Viveros, Vice President, Cyber Security Innovation, IBM
10:30 a.m.

"Current Cyber Security Issues"

  • Andre C. McGregor, Special Agent, New York Cyber Branch, FBI
10:40 a.m.

Faculty Poster Pitches

10:50 a.m.

Networking Break and Poster Session

11:05 a.m.

"Cyber Security and Health Care: Better Health Through Trusted Relationships"

  • John B. Sapp Jr., Senior Director, McKesson Corporation
11:30 a.m.

"Is Everything We Learned About Security Wrong?"

  • Michel Cusin, Security Consultant, Cusin Securite Inc.
11:55 a.m.

"How is it Done: The Protection of Individuals, Organizations, and Infrastructure Against Cyber Attacks"

  • Lena Smart, Chief Security Officer, New York Power Authority
12:20 p.m.


1:30 p.m.

Afternoon Welcome

  • Rahmat Shoureshi, Ph.D., Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, NYIT
1:35 p.m.

Afternoon Keynote Address

"Bug Parades, Zombies, and the BSIMM: A Decade of Software"

  • Gary McGraw, Ph.D., Chief Technology Officer, Cigital Inc.
2:20 p.m.

"Combatting 21st-Century Pirates & Swashbucklers: National Science Foundation Secure & Trustworthy Cyberspace"

  • Jeremy Epstein, Program Officer, Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace Program, National Science Foundation
2:45 p.m.

Panel Discussion: Biometrics and Big Data Analytics as Cyber Defense Tools


  • Rob Marano, Co-Founder, The Hackerati

Panel members include:

  • Elad Yoran, Chairman and CEO, Vaultive, Inc.
  • John B. Sapp Jr., Senior Director, McKesson Corporation
  • Peter McMullen, Cloud Security Specialist, Juniper Networks
  • Raj Goel (B.S. '94), CISSP, CTO, Brainlink International, Inc.
3:45 p.m.

Networking Break and Poster Session

4 p.m.

Academic/Cyber Education Session

  • Radu Sion, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Computer Science, Stony Brook University
  • Roberto Rojas-Cessa, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, NJIT
  • Yevgeniy Vahlis, Ph.D., Senior Member-Technical Staff, Security Research Center, AT&T
5:15 p.m.

Cyber Career Panel


  • Judith Murrah, CIO, Applied DNA Sciences, and Director, Connect-to-Tech

Panel members will include:

  • Robert Wild, Vice President, Intelligent Product Solutions
  • Larry Karantzios, Senior Systems Engineer, Global Financial Services, Juniper Networks
  • Brad Antoniewicz (B.S. '11), Principal Consultant, Foundstone Research Group, McAfee/Intel
6 – 6:30 p.m.

Parents and Students Reception


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