Media Coverage
GoodCall Cites Amy Bravo on Internships
May 09, 2017
Senior Director of International & Experiential Education Amy Bravo informs GoodCall readers about the value of internships for graduates now entering the job market.
Bravo notes that, besides practical skills students can gain via internships, self-assurance is also a skill. “Many employers say an important skill that students lack is confidence, a belief in what they can do on the job,” Bravo reveals. “Students who complete internships have a big advantage – they know what they can do because they’ve done it.”
"The Academic Minute" Shares Cohn’s Research
May 09, 2017
Associate Professor of Marketing Deborah Y. Cohn, Ph.D., shares her research on an episode of “The Academic Minute” podcast. The brief podcast appears Monday through Friday on Inside Higher Education; it is also broadcast on public radio stations nationwide.
Cohn’s research on why people intentionally give bad gifts tells a story of oppressive expectations, self-interest, ego, indifference, and outright malice. To fight gift buyers’ bad impulses, Cohn recommends that marketers and retailers “employ seasonal ‘gift experts’ to counsel shoppers before they buy.” She also suggests that retailers “provide an easy and rewarding way to donate bad gifts to charity.” Such moves allow people to feel good about retailers in spite of offensive or unsuitable gifts.
Cohn’s “Academic Minute” also appears as the closing segment of radio program and podcast “The Best of Our Knowledge” (episode 1396) produced at public radio station WAMC in Albany. The show highlights recent research and other issues relevant to colleges and universities.
NYITCOM Body Donor Ceremony Featured on ABC 7 New York
May 08, 2017
ABC 7 New York recently covered a moving Body Donor Ceremony orchestrated by students and faculty of the NYIT College of Osteopathic Medicine, in honor of the 38 men and women who donated their bodies to medicine.
Acknowledging their "first patients," students praised the donors for providing a foundation for medical education. In this video, students can be seen placing flowers near the base of a newly planted ash maple tree, dedicated to the generous individuals who gave the gift of knowledge.
Khorsandi Discusses Fads in Building Design
May 02, 2017
Wired includes comments by NYIT School of Architecture and Design Adjunct Assistant Professor Sean Khorsandi in a story about a new building in the Netherlands that incorporates emoji in its façade.
Disagreeing with the idea behind the emoji-marked building, Khorsandi says, “Architecture is serious. We’re using copious materials, and we’re taking up land. There is a responsibility that goes along with that. If everything is a joke, reduced to this disposable ‘I like it in the moment’ fad, that’s a dangerous attitude to have.”
A similar article also appeared in Boing Boing.
WalletHub Shares Scillitoe’s Expert Advice
May 01, 2017
Personal finance website WalletHub features NYIT School of Management Associate Professor Joanne Scillitoe as an expert on entrepreneurship. Among other topics, Scillitoe advises prospective entrepreneurs to “proceed with your eyes wide open.” She also discusses sources of funding; launching a business in a big city; ways state and local governments can stimulate business development; sectors she considers ripe for disruption; and common mistakes entrepreneurs make.
Regarding entrepreneurship in a big city, Scillitoe says, “Big cities are advantageous because they offer more contacts that can support, complement, or invest in new ventures. However, some networks, even in big cities, are not open to all, so larger doesn't always mean better or more opportunities.”
Afxentiou Analyzes Gender Pay Gap in Well-Paid Professions
May 01, 2017
NYIT School of Management Professor Diamando Afxentiou explains why the gender pay gap applies even to professionals such as physicians and lawyers in a GoodCall story.
In many professions, male and female graduates with the same education begin their careers with similar entry-level salaries, says Afxentiou. “However, earnings between men and women diverge with years of experience due to cultural and sociological explanations such as career interruptions and/or lower weekly working hours – which are associated with a traditional female role – as well as the so-called ‘glass-ceiling’ explanation which is, unfortunately, a labor market discrimination,” she says.
NYIT Cybersecurity Challenge Series Featured in InnovateLI
Apr 25, 2017
Emphasizing the need to prepare future professionals to defend against impending “cyberwars”, InnovateLI featured the first event of the NYIT Cybersecurity Challenge Series in its April 25 article, “NYIT Series Looks to Arm Tomorrow's Cyber-Defenders”.
The NYIT Cybersecurity Challenge Series has been created to introduce NYIT students to real world Cybersecurity principles and techniques and to provide them with high-impact, hands-on experience before they enter the workforce. As mentioned in the article, NYIT School of Engineering and Computing Sciences will host the first of several cybersecurity themed events on May 5, 2017, when student teams will be required to break codes using various cryptographic methods, techniques, and tools to complete a high-tech scavenger hunt.
LaGrandeur Featured in on Robophobia
Apr 24, 2017
An article on, a publication of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, which focuses on promoting the art, science, and practice of multidisciplinary engineering and allied sciences around the globe, explores “robophobia” -- namely, the concern that robots and AI will soon replace some people in their jobs. In the article, Robophobia: Bridging the Uncanny Valley, Kevin LaGrandeur, Ph.D. shares his beliefs that part of the aversion to robots and technology is cultural, and a reflection of the fact that many Americans have been bombarded with negative messages about robots and AI for decades.
“Robots aren't as well accepted in American households as they are, say, in Japan where they're actually a lot more popular,” LaGrandeur says. “To some extent I think the Japanese have sort of a love affair with robots because they're kind of trained to it from the time they're younger. They have more cartoons and shows and things that have to do with robotic type of technology.” Read the full article.
Klotz Comments on Gender and Higher Ed Leadership
Apr 24, 2017
NYIT-Manhattan Dean of Students Ann Marie Klotz was interviewed by Rochester’s Democrat & Chronicle for a story about female college and university presidents. Klotz notes that women’s paths to higher education leadership can amount to an obstacle course. Most college and university leaders are still white men, even though most university students are women. "Until university leadership looks like the diversity of students they serve, we are doing a disservice to those student populations," Klotz says.
The article notes that Klotz was an invited keynote speaker at The College at Brockport’s recent series of events addressing the gender leadership gap, “Be the Revolution.”
NYITCOM Atherosclerosis Research Featured in InnovateLI and Cardiovascular Business
Apr 17, 2017
As seen in InnovateLI and Cardiovascular Business, researchers at NYITCOM Department of Anatomy may have found a simple method to detect and monitor the progression of atherosclerosis, the hardening of the arteries which can restrict and reduce blood flow (and thus, oxygen) to areas of the body.
Although many deadly cardiovascular diseases, including coronary heart disease and carotid artery disease, develop as a result of atherosclerosis, there is currently no simple way to diagnose atherosclerosis or monitor the disease's response to treatment. While previous research primarily used ultrasound, the researchers used histopathology to more accurately grade atherosclerosis development.Their findings suggest the radial artery as a possible method of measuring systemic atherosclerosis.