Delayed Opening

Due to inclement weather, the Long Island and New York City campuses of New York Tech will open at 10 a.m. on Thursday, February 6. Essential staff should report to campus at their normal time.

Media Coverage

Golden Recognized in NEH Magazine Article

Apr 08, 2024

Humanities, the magazine of the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), noted an NEH summer stiped awarded to Associate Professor of Humanities and Director of Writing Amanda Golden, Ph.D. In 2022, Golden, the first New York Tech faculty member to receive an NEH summer stipend, was awarded the $6,000 grant to research and write an expanded, annotated edition of the collected poems of American author Sylvia Plath.


Apr 05, 2024

Long Island Business News (LIBN) featured Associate Provost for Student Engagement and Development Tiffani Hinds, M.Ed., in its 2024 Who's Who: Leaders in Education special editorial section. Published annually, the section highlights the region’s higher education leaders who are positively impacting the lives of college students. Hinds notes that, in alignment with New York Tech’s mission to provide career-oriented professional education and qualified students access to opportunity, the Office of Student Engagement and Development has implemented multiple initiatives to position students for academic and personal success.

"In addition to programs supporting first-generation students—who make up 30 percent of our student community—we deliver many resources to address barriers to education, including food insecurity and financial constraints. Among others, this has included the launch of New York Tech’s food and resource pantry, the Grizzly Cupboard, and funding for students affected by unforeseen circumstances. Currently, we are preparing to roll out Tech Threads, an initiative offering professional attire at no cost so that all students, regardless of their financial situation, may pursue internship and employment opportunities," says Hinds. 


Nadler Lends Expertise to Forbes PFAS Article

Apr 02, 2024

Forbes interviewed environmental health expert David Nadler, Ph.D., research assistant professor, about a new treatment technique that uses activated carbon to prevent "forever chemicals" (PFAS) from contaminating groundwater. Nadler notes that this process, which allows PFAS to be treated at the source (in-situ), shows great promise and is more effective than traditionally used pump-and-treat processes.

“Treating something at the source is better than pulling something out of the source and trying to treat it. It just takes a really long time [to pump, treat, and truck away contaminants]. By the time you notice results, you can have generations of people that are exposed," says Nadler. "The world still lives in the pump-and-treat universe, but as [in-situ options] show more promise, you're going to see more startups working on this. It will become more widely accepted.”


Apr 02, 2024

NYITCOM Assistant Professor Eleanor Yusupov, D.O., was quoted in a Healthcare Executive article about biohacking, or using health metrics provided by devices to improve one’s well-being. Yusupov, who is board-certified in obesity medicine, discusses how patients with diabetes can leverage blood sugar data provided by continuous glucose monitors (CGMs) to make necessary lifestyle changes.

“Continuous glucose monitoring is a great tool that can give you a window into your body's metabolic response to the foods you eat. People at high risk for diabetes, like those with significant weight gain or a family history of diabetes, can use CGMs to know in real time how their body is responding to a chicken wrap as opposed to fries or cookies. The number of people with diabetes has increased dramatically in the past three decades, with the World Health Organization estimating that more than 422 people million live with the disease worldwide. The global market for these devices is projected to increase to over $12 billion in the next 10 years,” says Yusupov.


Newsweek Quotes Rothstein on Walking Workouts

Mar 30, 2024

As seen in NewsweekAlexander Rothstein, M.S., coordinator and instructor for the Exercise Science, B.S. program, discussed whether a popular social media walking trend has real fitness benefits. The growing TikTok fad, known as the "hot girl walk," is an outdoor mindfulness walk encouraging users to meet specific step counts. Rothstein notes that, while walking can provide physical and mental health advantages, people should focus more on elevating their heart rate vs. setting a daily step count goal. Because the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends a minimum of 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity five days per week or a minimum of 20 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity three days per week, he explains that heart rate is a more accurate indicator of whether walkers are meeting these guidelines. 

"Walking to add steps to one's day will not count towards the recommended exercise based on the ACSM guidelines. This is because the stimulus from walking will not be high enough to elicit fitness benefits and won't be classified as exercise but will fit into the physical activity parameter. However, elevated heart rate is one way to measure exercise intensity and the time spent in certain heart rate zones can be counted towards the recommended exercise guideline," says Rothstein.


InnovateLI Highlights Newly Renovated Labs

Mar 29, 2024

The opening of newly renovated electrical and electronics labs on the New York City campus are highlighted in InnovateLI. The spaces, complete with state-of-the-art benchtop lab instruments, are poised to provide enhanced experiences for faculty researchers and students.

The article notes the new energy-efficient spaces continue a longstanding partnership between the College of Engineering and Computing Sciences and H2M architects + engineers, which currently employees dozens of New York Tech graduates. “H2M recognizes the quality of engineers that obtain their knowledge and degree from New York Tech,” noted Professional Engineer Mike Lantier, H2M’s Education Market deputy director and member of the College of Engineering and Computing Sciences’ Advisory Board.

Additional coverage appeared in Patch.


Physical Therapist Shares Sciatica Insight

Mar 29, 2024

Insight from Mark Gugliotti, D.P.T., associate professor of physical therapy, was featured in The Edge, the official blog of the Hone Health telemedicine platform. The article discusses whether massage guns stand to offer more benefits or risks for patients with sciatica pain. Gugliotti notes that “if used directly over the nerve, massage guns can increase symptoms.” He also shares information on other common sciatica treatment options, stating, “Physical therapy treatments include stretching, massage, neural mobilization, and exercises, including those with foam rolls. Patients may also choose to pursue chiropractic treatments, including manipulation, or see their physician, who can prescribe medication for pain and nerve irritability.”


Cohn Shares Insight on Pros and Cons of an M.B.A. for IT Execs

Mar 14, 2024

A CIO magazine article has explored several reasons why IT executives should pursue an M.B.A. to advance their career, and also addresses a few instances where the degree may not be helpful. “An M.B.A. equips IT leaders with the business acumen necessary to align IT initiatives with overall organizational goals, making them indispensable assets to their companies,” says Deborah Y. Cohn, Ph.D., interim dean of the School of Management. At the same time, however, “if an IT leader is already at the pinnacle of their career with extensive experience and a proven track record of success, the incremental benefits of an M.B.A. may be minimal,” she adds. 



WalletHub Interviews Hu About Car Insurance Costs

Mar 14, 2024

Wenyao Hu, Ph.D., CFA, assistant professor of finance and accounting, shared insight for the WalletHub article "What Are the Top 10 Cheapest States for Car Insurance?" Hu addresses the fairness of factors that can increase premiums, including age and occupation. When asked whether it's fair for car insurance companies to consider a driver's occupation in setting premiums, he says, "Yes, it's fair. If your job involves a lot of night driving or being on the road constantly, you're at a higher risk of accidents. [Having these individuals] paying a bit more ensures the insurance pot is fairly distributed among those who need it."


Local News Sites Highlight Fall 2023 Student Achievements

Mar 10, 2024

Hometown media outlets featured the academic accomplishments of New York Tech students, including, among others, TAPInto Hanover (Hanover, N.J.) and South Windsor Patch (South Windsor, Conn.), which highlighted area students named to the Presidential Honor List and Dean’s Honor List for fall 2023, respectively. In addition, The Courier Express and others highlighted fall graduates of the Class of 2023.



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