School Counseling Student Handbook

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Introduction to the School Counseling Student Handbook

This handbook is intended for masters candidates, faculty members, and site supervisors in our partner schools. Mutual familiarization with program objectives, policies and responsibilities is essential to student success in the program, to the fostering of rewarding mentoring relationships, and to the facilitation of successful site placements and training. Additional specific information may be found in the Graduate Studies Catalog. Through this manual, and open communication among students, faculty members, and site supervisors, the result will be a rewarding experience for you as you become a new professional.

Please return a signed Student Responsibility Form to the office to confirm that you have read this manual and are familiar with its content.

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Department of School Counseling

A. Mission Statement

The mission of the NYIT School Counseling Program is to prepare culturally competent, ethical, and skilled school counseling professionals to meet the growing needs of students. The competency-based program prepares professional school counselors to deliver comprehensive programs that promote success for all students in the areas of academic, career and college readiness, and social-emotional development.

Through advocacy, collaboration and teamwork, individual and group counseling, use of data and technology, school counselor candidates will be prepared to support, promote, and enhance student achievement as agents of change and leaders in the profession.

B. Conceptual Framework

Three characteristics make the Department of School Counseling programs unique:

C. Accreditation

The New York Institute of Technology Master of Science in School Counseling program is accredited by the Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP). The School of Education is also accredited by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) which is now called the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). Student learner outcomes in each course are aligned with the standards in each course syllabus.

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School Counseling Program Overview

Contemporary Trends and Models

School counseling is a profession that focuses on the relations and interactions between students and their school environment to reduce the effects of environmental and institutional barriers that impede student academic success. School counselors foster educational equity, access, and academic success to ensure that all students graduate from high school ready to succeed in college and careers.

The trained school counselor must be an assertive advocate creating opportunities for all students to pursue dreams of high aspirations. The counselor assists students in their academic, career and college readiness, and social and emotional development to help them follow the path to success. The school counselor serves as a leader as well as an effective team member working with teachers, administrators, and other school personnel to help each student succeed. The school counselor as consultant empowers families to act on behalf of their children by helping parents and guardians identify student needs and interests, and access available resources.

School counselors are accountable and measure success by demonstrating how their activities contribute to increasing the numbers of all students completing school academically prepared to choose from a wide range of substantial postsecondary options, including college. – Transforming School Counseling Initiative, Education Trust, 2009

Counseling is a professional relationship that empowers diverse individuals, families, and groups to accomplish mental health, wellness, education, and career goals (American Counseling Association, 2010).

School counseling is a helping process implemented by trained and credentialed personnel which involves a variety of strategies and activities that help students explore academic, career and college readiness, and social-emotional issues which can impede healthy development or academic progress. – American School Counselor Association, 2012

School counseling should not be an extra or a luxury just for school systems that can afford it. School counseling is a necessity to ensure that all our young people get the education they need to succeed in today’s economy. – First Lady Michelle Obama, 2015

The comprehensive developmental school counseling program includes both broad and targeted services for students to help students access their education by removing barriers to learning. It includes the development of long-term planning including post-secondary education and career plans, as well as consideration for ways to encourage parental involvement. – New York State Education Department, June 2018

The School Counseling Program @ NYIT

Today's school counselors provide much more than academic advisement and career guidance. Academic and social pressures, childhood, and the onset of adolescence can compel students to seek experienced, caring, professional counseling and guidance in the safety of their school environment. The next generation of school counselors needs the knowledge and skills to address the concerns of administrators, teachers, and families, to successfully meet the challenges and complexities of today's diverse student populations.

The NYIT Masters of Science in School Counseling enables future counseling professionals to meet the growing needs of K–12 students by providing cutting edge instruction in effective interventions and academic, career, social-emotional, and behavioral development. Candidates explore theory and research, gain an in-depth understanding of ethical practices, and acquire solid professional and interpersonal skills on which the effective practice of counseling is based. Course assignments are designed to provide tangible benefits for candidates and are related to their work in the schools. By the end of the program, degree candidates design and complete a portfolio of their academic work tailored to meet personal and professional needs.

The Masters of Science in School Counseling program and course work is grounded in the Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Education Programs (CACREP) Standards, and is accredited under the School of Education by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) now transitioned to CAEP (Council for the Accreditation for Educator Preparation). The program has the following special features:

Program Mission Statement

School Counseling Program Mission

The mission of the School Counseling Program is to prepare culturally competent and skilled school counseling professionals to meet the growing needs of K–12 students in today's schools. The competency-based school counseling program prepares professional school counselors to deliver comprehensive programs that promote success for all students (P–12) in the areas of academic, career and personal/social development. Through advocacy, collaboration and teamwork, leadership, individual and group counseling interventions, use of data and technology, NYIT school counselor candidates will be prepared to support, promote and enhance student achievement and success in school.

School Counselor Competencies and Performance Indicators

The New York Institute of Technology School Counseling Program is organized around seven competencies which reflect the program's beliefs about what school counselors should know and be able to do to successfully meet the challenges and priorities of 21st century schools and the diverse needs of today's students. The program and course work utilize the standards and practices of the Council for Accreditation in Counseling and Related Programs (CACREP) 2009/2016 Standards, the ASCA School Counselor Competencies (2012), and the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE), which has transitioned to the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).

  1. School counselor candidates will demonstrate the knowledge and skills to plan, implement, and evaluate comprehensive national standards based school counseling programs.
    • Understand the relationship of the comprehensive school counseling program to the mission of the school and the instructional program.
    • Acquire the knowledge and skills to implement school counseling strategies in academic, college and career readiness, and social-emotional development based on the National Standards for School Counseling Programs and the ASCA Mindsets and Behaviors.
    • Use individual student planning, responsive services, classroom lessons and system support to deliver college and career readiness, and social-emotional development competencies.
    • Demonstrate the knowledge and skills to help diverse and underserved and underrepresented student populations successfully prepare for and transition to postsecondary opportunities.
    • Utilize strategies to help students have a greater understanding of self and their interests, motivation, achievement, talents, and career goals.
  2. School counselor candidates will acquire the knowledge and skills to consult and work collaboratively with faculty, administrators, parents/caretakers and community members to improve student success in school.
    • Become familiar with the community-based resources (e.g. mental health centers, community based organizations, business, service groups) to secure assistance for students and their families.
    • Demonstrate through verbal, written and presentation skills the ability to communicate with parents, faculty, administrators, and stakeholders.
    • Develop methods of working with teachers, administrators, parents/caretakers to advocate for improving student achievement, school climate, and student success.
    • Apply knowledge of systems theories to community and school relationships.
    • Understand the role of parents, school faculty and staff, and community members to support and inform the school counseling program.
    • Share knowledge of student development, behavior management, and learning theories with teachers and parents.
    • Design professional development activities for faculty and staff that address student growth and developmental needs.
  3. School counselor candidates will apply counseling theories and practices under supervision as appropriate in a school setting.
    • Demonstrate the appropriate use of counseling theories and techniques with students.
    • Use counseling skills and counseling processes that respect all aspects of diversity including race, ethnicity, cultural, religion, socio-economic differences, learning abilities, physical, mental or emotional disabilities and/or sexual orientation.
    • Use counseling strategies that will help students meet the high expectations of the New York State core curriculum standards.
    • Become familiar with developing and implementing prevention and intervention plans for children and adolescents to address issues such as abuse, eating disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, depression, suicide ideation, substance abuse, underachievement, etc.
    • Provide effective individual and group counseling to students that are developmentally appropriate.
    • Demonstrate brief and solution based strategic interventions as appropriate in a school setting.
    • Demonstrate the use of coping and resiliency skill building with students.
  4. School counselor candidates will consult and collaborate with faculty and administrators to create safe and respectful school environments for diverse student populations.
    • Understand the influence of school climate on student success.
    • Participate in school initiatives to create a positive school environment.
    • Use skills to develop conflict resolution and peer-mediation programs.
    • Develop strategies to address student concerns around bullying, harassment, and gang influences.
    • Use disaggregated data to identify patterns of discipline and inappropriate student behaviors.
    • Develop strategies to advocate for children and adolescents who need specialized assistance and support.
    • Apply a social justice agenda to eliminate inequities in policies and practices.
  5. School counselor candidates will use critical data elements to inform practice to best serve the needs of every student including underrepresented children and youth.
    • Demonstrate knowledge of accessing and analyzing school building and system-wide data.
    • Use data to identify environmental and educational barriers to student learning.
    • Assess students' growth towards achievement of the national standards and competencies.
    • Assess student needs and concerns with respect to culture, race, stereotyping, family, socio-economic status, gender and sexual identity, language, and learning ability.
    • Apply knowledge of action research to school improvement and school counseling outcomes.
    • Demonstrate the ability to write clear and concise analyses and evaluation reports.
    • Use data to monitor and evaluate the school counseling program's impact on student achievement and school improvement.
  6. School counselor candidates will acquire knowledge and skills in a wide variety of technology applications appropriate to counseling practice.
    • Demonstrate skills in using word processing, spreadsheet management, data-based maintenance, presentation software and web site development.
    • Use internet based research tools to access current information and research to inform practice and program development.
    • Utilize internet-based tools for communication and information dissemination for students, parents, and community.
    • Use technology applications to identify and examine issues relating to improving student achievement.
    • Design web-based applications to facilitate student educational, college, and career planning.
  7. School counselor candidates will demonstrate responsibility for their own learning and professional development.
    • Join a local, state and/or national professional association.
    • Attend professional conferences and workshops annually.
    • Understand the relationship between counselor self-understanding and effectiveness.
    • Demonstrate knowledge of the role and responsibilities of the professional counselor, including scope of practice, ethical guidelines, state and federal laws and regulations, credentialing and licensure, and the role of professional organizations.
    • Develop a portfolio to illustrate their personal and professional, growth and development.

Diversity in Recruitment

The School Counseling Department provides equal opportunity in its admissions, educational programs, and all activities without regard to race, color, national origin, religion, creed, ethnicity, disability, age, marital status, sex, gender, sexual orientation, veteran status, or any other legally protected status.

View NYIT's Statement on Non-Discrimination.


The Master of Science in School Counseling follows a cohort model, and all candidates are required to enroll in two courses each semester (part-time) or three courses each semester (full-time), including the summer session. Applicants are accepted and begin study in the summer or fall term. Applicants with academic backgrounds in psychology, education, sociology, law, or a related behavioral science are especially encouraged to apply, as are those with work experience in schools, social agencies, hospitals, criminal justice, or community action programs.

Applicants for the Master of Science in School Counseling must:

  1. Possess a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university.
  2. Demonstrate academic achievement and potential for success in graduate studies by having earned a 3.0 (or higher) cumulative undergraduate GPA. Applicants whose GPA is 2.85 to 2.99 may be accepted "with conditions" and, upon acceptance achieve a 3.0 GPA in their first six credits to achieve full matriculation in the program.
  3. International students. Please check the special Admissions Requirements for international students.
  4. Participate in an individual and group interview process, which includes a writing sample and verbal responses to contemporary professional issues and trends.
  5. Submit three department reference forms (from an employer, a professor, and someone who can give an objective character reference) attesting to the applicant's leadership, advocacy skills, and potential to succeed in graduate studies.
  6. Submit a supplemental department packet. Call 516.686.7777 or 212.261.1529 or visit our website for forms and directions for the department admissions packet.


  1. Matriculation: Matriculation is granted to students who have satisfied all requirements for admission, and have been fully accepted by the School Counseling department. All conditions of admission must be met. Please see the Graduate Studies Catalog for specific admission status options. If you have any questions, contact the Graduate admissions office for clarification on your status.
  2. Registration: All graduate students are required to register for classes prior to each semester and summer session for which they are enrolled. Courses follow the cohort model and students will meet with their advisor or the program director each semester to review offerings. Students who are not up to date in paying tuition and fees, or who have not fulfilled their admission condition requirements will be unable to register for classes. Students attending classes for which they are unregistered risk forfeiting the credit they may otherwise have earned for that class.
  3. Add/Drop: As per the NYIT policy, the add/drop period for fall and spring is the first two weeks of the semester. Students may add or drop courses without financial penalty during this period. Withdrawal forms are available in departmental offices and once completed must be filed with the registrar. Students should be reminded that a W notation could negatively impact their eligibility for financial aid and/or V.A. benefits, as it may change the student's enrollment status (full-time, part-time, less than part-time). International students may also jeopardize their visa status if they fail to maintain full-time status.
  4. Enrolled Campus Location: Students are admitted to either the Long Island (Old Westbury) or New York City (Manhattan) campus for the summer or fall semester. Students take classes with their cohort according to the cohort plan unless approval is granted from the program director to take classes on a different campus or out of sequence. See Program Components for details. New York City students attend the New York City (Manhattan) campus and the offsite UFT Teacher Center. Long Island students attend the Long Island (Old Westbury) campus and the offsite Nassau BOCES Garden City location. Matriculated students must follow the cohort plan and attend courses as per their declared campus. Changes require permission of the department chair.

Financial Aid

The Financial Aid Office, located in Harry Schure Hall (Long Island) or 16 W. 61st St. (New York City) is available to assist graduate students in securing funding for their graduate work.

School Counselor Candidate Dispositions

The New York Institute of Technology School Counseling Program is aligned with the standards and practices of the Council for Accreditation in Counseling and Related Programs (CACREP) 2016 Standards and Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).

Candidates are expected to acquire and demonstrate ethical, humanistic, and reflective dispositions to successfully work in 21st century schools and meet the diverse needs of today's PreK through 12 students. Although academic performance is a crucial factor in evaluating candidate performance, there are other interpersonal and professional skills that are equally important in determining the professional readiness of a school counselor candidate to enter their chosen field. Therefore, in addition to academic performance, students in the School Counseling Department will also be evaluated at specific gateways by the faculty on the professional readiness indicators set forth in Appendix I.

Faculty members rate the candidates' success in acquiring the dispositions at specific junctures: during the 1st semester; at the conclusion of practicum; and during the final semester of internship. Candidates will also rate their progress during the 2nd semester of internship. The essential disposition characteristics expected of all candidates matriculated in a degree program can be found in Appendix I.


Upon admission to the School Counseling Degree program, students will be assigned an advisor from among one of the faculty members within the department. This faculty member will be their advisor for the duration of the degree unless the student requests a change of advisor in writing.

Personal counseling is not a faculty role in the advisor position, and it is an ethical conflict of interest to provide such counseling. The NYIT Counseling and Wellness Center offers mental health counseling for students seeking personal assistance. Wellness Centers are located on both campuses: New York City – 33 W. 60th St., Mezzanine; and Long Island – Student Activity Center, Room 307.

Support for Students with Disabilities

NYIT adheres to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504.

NYIT provides reasonable accommodations to any person who has a temporary or permanent disabling condition. If you need to discuss an accommodation or a barrier to your full participation in NYIT programs and services, please visit the Office of Accessibility Services for more detailed information.

Attendance Policy

School counseling degree candidates are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times. This includes taking your classes as seriously as you do your current work position and as you must in your future position as a school counselor.

You are expected to attend all classes, show up on time for each, and remain for the entire class session. It is your responsibility, and not a classmate, to notify your professor in advance of an absence. Time missed (lateness and absences) will be made up prior to the completion of the semester and will affect your participation grade. Candidates who do not meet this responsibility in a timely manner, may be assigned an INC or a grade of F.

Absences due to professional responsibilities and illness will be considered on a case by case basis if communicated with your professor (via phone or email) in advance. Experiential components and your participation are expected in every school counseling course. Students are also responsible for obtaining missed notes or assignments from fellow students. Handouts and notes should be kept organized and brought to each class.

Please see the Academic Catalog for more information.

Maintaining Matriculation

Students are required to sign a "Statement of Understanding" (Appendix B) when they are initially admitted into the program. Completion of the masters degree program is dependent not only upon academic performance, but the demonstration of appropriate interpersonal skills, professional demeanor, and social and ethical judgment. Grades are only part of what is needed for a student to be successful in the School Counseling Program. If matriculation concerns arise, students will be directed to do one of the following: participate in a writing and/or speech course, drop temporarily from the program, perform voluntary or paid work in a school, repeat a course, seek personal counseling, or withdraw from the program permanently. Students have the right to appeal any grade or decision about her/his matriculation and eligibility for financial aid. Please refer to the Grade Appeals Policy and Procedure in the NYIT Student Handbook.

a) Assessment of Student Progress: Academic and Dispositions

A review of each student's progress is conducted by the faculty at the conclusion of the first semester in the program. Although most issues are identified prior to the completion of the first semester, instructors use the Student Progress Assessment form to evaluate students in several critical areas early on in the student's plan of study. These forms are reviewed and discussed in the January faculty meeting as a means of ensuring that all students with problems are identified and remediated or counseled out of the program. All faculty members, including adjuncts, complete this First Semester Evaluation and Disposition Assessment (Appendix C and Appendix I) for every student.

b) Remediation

In cases where a student's academic performance does not meet the minimum standards, program commitments are not met due to unexcused absences, and/or field expectations are not satisfactorily met within the designated time frames, a Student Remediation Plan will be developed, and academic probation considered.

  1. The student will meet with concerned faculty to discuss the issue. No more than two requests to meet by the faculty member will be made. If the meeting does not occur in a timely manner, then the faculty member will develop a remediation plan.
  2. If the issue is not resolved, the student will meet with the full time/core faculty members;
  3. The student and faculty will devise a plan to resolve the issue and a subsequent contract will be signed by all concerned parties (Student Remediation Plan Form – see Appendix D). These forms are kept in the student's file.
  4. When the contract is fulfilled, the student will report back to the School Counseling program chair for faculty review.
  5. The student will be reinstated, a new plan will be developed, or the student will be dismissed.
c) Degree Completion

Graduate students in the school counseling program must abide by all of the criteria set forth by the University in terms of academic scholarship. Graduate students must comply with both ethical codes and professional standards of practice. Any questions should be addressed immediately with, and documented by, the student's program advisor and chairperson, and where appropriate, the site supervisor counselor at the practicum or internship site. A graduate student must complete all required program courses on the degree map and achieve a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 to graduate. Please see the Academic Catalog for more information on Degree Completion requirements.

d) Suspension

Suspension from a field placement and/or the School Counseling Department may occur for several reasons. These can include, but are not limited to: unethical behavior; unprofessional conduct; refusal to complete tasks; lack of completion of requirements within a timely manner; unexplained or unexcused absences; non-compliance with NYIT, program, or field policies, including the student code of conduct; incompetence; or personal psychological or emotional disturbances which are academically incapacitating. Consultation with the student, and documentation of the issues, will occur prior to the suspension. Students may also be dismissed from a field placement upon the request of a site supervisor or faculty field supervisor.

Academic Probation and Dismissal

The first time a student's cumulative GPA falls below 3.0, the student shall be placed on Probation for his/her next regular semester. The student will receive a remediation plan (See Appendix D) from the School Counseling Program outlining available academic support services and requiring the student to meet with an academic advisor. A student on Probation cannot register for more than 6 credits or the minimum until he/she is removed from probation.

When a student's cumulative GPA falls below the minimum 3.0 required for three sequential (not necessarily contiguous) regular semesters, the student will be dismissed from the program. Dismissal is defined as ineligible to pursue credit-bearing courses at NYIT for a period of two academic years or until a minimum GPA of 3.0 is earned for the most recent 6 credits taken at another accredited United States institution of higher education. See the Academic Catalog for more information.

Professional Behavior

Candidates accepted into the School Counseling Program are expected to demonstrate professional behavior across academic and field settings. These behaviors include professional dress and demeanor; respectful communication and receptiveness to feedback; punctuality and compliance with attendance requirements; appropriate classroom behavior and active participation in the learning process; responsibility, initiative, and ability to collaborate within a team of colleagues; establishment and respect of proper boundaries; and sensitivity to and respect for diversity issues. The use of cell phones or other electronic devices while functioning in a professional capacity such as class or while in the field or at a school site is restricted to emergency situations only.

Ethical Behavior

Candidates in the NYIT School Counseling Program are expected to follow professional standards, including the American School Counselor Association's 2016 Ethical Standards for School Counselors and the American Counselor Association's 2014 Code of Ethics. Students in the Practicum and Internship courses are expected to abide by professional ethical codes and consult with their supervisors and instructors when ethical questions arise. More specific delineation of ethical behavior is presented in Appendix A.

Students may be also dismissed from the program for reasons other than academic (for example, plagiarism; verbal, non-verbal, or written communication problems) and for overt violations of current professional codes of ethics (e.g., ACA & ASCA).

Students may be dismissed for "personal unsuitability for the profession" as determined by standards and ethics consistent with ACA and ASCA ethical codes, CACREP 2016 Standards, School Counseling Department Dispositions, certain criminal convictions. Examples of behavior which would lead the faculty to professionally judge a student as such are:

  1. consistent inability to assess problem situations in an educational setting and determine how to negotiate/compromise or otherwise resolve the situation
  2. consistent inability to recognize personal boundary/power issues which inhibit or prevent the student from learning appropriate professional behavior/counseling skills
  3. consistent inability to work as a team member with peers, colleagues, or school-based professionals; or
  4. consistent inability or refusal to participate, without advisor consultation, in learning activities designed to promote and improve the student's self-understanding, self-analysis skills and interpersonal skills.

Grievous violations of policies or procedures, or gross incompetence, which may result in harm to another person, and/or signify an inability to act in a professional capacity, may also result in dismissal of the student from a field experience and/or the program. Reasons for such termination may include but are not limited to: falsification of documents; insubordination; sexual harassment; moral turpitude; gross immorality; administering corporal punishment; violation of field board policy; actions blatantly detrimental to the welfare of others; certain criminal convictions; or failure to notify the department chair of any event which would invalidate university clearance of the student.

In addition to the academic and professional procedures contained herein, the procedures contained in the NYIT Student Handbook may also apply for applicable actions or conduct and the School Counseling Department reserves the right to refer students to the Dean of Student Affairs' office.

Student Organizations

Chi Sigma Iota
Chi Sigma Iota is an international honor society for counseling students and professionals. Candidate eligibility for membership in the Nu Chi Phi chapter at NYIT is based on academic achievement in the graduate program. Candidates who are fully admitted to the program are eligible to apply for membership after completing one semester with a grade point average of 3.5 or higher. Candidates admitted to the program on a probationary status must first fulfill the requirements to be removed from probation and complete two semesters with an overall GPA of 3.5 or higher.

World Educators' and Counselors' Advocacy Network (WECAN) is a student organization created by the first cohort of NYIT School Counseling students. Membership is open to all faculty and students in the school counseling program and or counseling and educationally related programs. We CAN's Mission is "to be prepared as leaders and advocates in the counseling professions. We are devoted to upholding a high level of scholarship that focuses on the research and technology within the counseling field".

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School Counseling Program Components

Academic Components (PDF)

  1. Degree Map
  2. Cohort Plans
  3. Gateways
  4. Exit Interview

Field Experience Requirements

1. Overview

Practicum and Internship Overview

Candidates complete supervised field experience during the practicum and internship courses taken in the second and third years of the program. An explanation of the field experience requirements and necessary documentation can be found in the Practicum and Internship Manual and the course syllabi.

In the practicum experience, candidates are required to complete 100 hours at one school, including 50 hours of direct service, supervised by a tenured, certified school counselor. School-based field experience assignments are assigned in each course prior to practicum.

A six hundred hour internship, including three hundred hours of direct service, is required of each student under supervision of a tenured, certified, school counselor. Program guidelines require each intern to have experiences in two school levels with a minimum of 100 hours in the second experience. Depending upon the primary placement, interns may allocate their time equally at each level (example 300 hours at the high school and 300 hours at the middle school).

Please refer to the School Counseling Practicum and Internship Manual, which is updated and distributed annually.

2. Placement Process

i. Selecting a Practicum or Internship Site

Candidates will work with university faculty to determine sites for practicum (EDCO 870) and internship (EDCO 730 and 740). Please refer to the data base of site supervisors and directors of school counseling with whom we have established a relationship to identify sites. All sites must be pre-approved before final arrangements are made.

You will not be permitted to intern in the high school you attended as a student. You must avoid all dual relationships (spouse, family, relatives working in the school, etc.) as this complicates and interferes with your growth as a professional. Please check residency requirements as some suburban districts will not allow residents to intern (or student teach) if they live in the district. All placements must be approved in advance of starting the practicum/internship experience.

Once you accept a placement with a site supervisor, you must honor that agreement. Make sure that you are certain about a site before making a commitment so that we can maintain positive relationships with all of our site supervisors.

ii. Fingerprinting Clearance

Candidates applying on or after July 1, 2001 for certification must be cleared by the New York State Education Department through a fingerprint-supported criminal history background check. This includes all applicants for certification, as well as all prospective employees of school districts, charter schools and boards of cooperative educational services (BOCES). Candidates fingerprinted and cleared by the New York City Board of Education after July 1, 1990, may submit that clearance to the Department to satisfy this requirement.

Detailed information and forms (including the form to submit New York City clearance information to New York State) can be found at the Office of School Personnel Review and Accountability (OSPRA) website. Your fingerprinting clearance must be submitted prior to registering for practicum.

iii. Finalizing the Practicum or Internship Placement

Once your site supervisor is approved, you will need to complete several forms to turn in for clearance. Please note, all of these forms are in the Internship and Practicum Manual and also available to you electronically.

3. Professional Association Membership

Candidates are encouraged to join and actively participate in local, regional, and national professional organizations as part of their professional development. Candidates are required to maintain student membership in either the American School Counselor Association or the American Counseling Association throughout the duration of their practicum and internship as student membership grants candidates access to numerous resources, as well as the required professional liability insurance.

Credential Requirements

1. Current Requirements for Provisional Certification: School Counselor

The NYIT School Counseling Program is a registered program with the NY State Office of Teaching initiatives. This means that the program has been approved in advance by the New York State Education Department as containing the studies required for certification as a New York State School Counselor. Candidates who have successfully completed the 48 Masters Degree program are eligible to apply for the provisional certification as a school counselor. Effective September 1, 2021, provisional certification will be renamed initial certification with new requirements as stipulated by NYSED.

a) Pathway: Institutional Recommendation

NYIT provides an institutional recommendation for a candidate who has applied for provisional certification. Send the receipt for filing certification to the department chairperson and the chairperson will provide the Dean or certification officer with a confirmation of graduation.

b) Pathway: Individual Evaluation

The individual evaluation pathway is for candidates who have filed for certification PRIOR to graduation. Candidates must submit original credentials for evaluation including any non- coursework requirements, such as fingerprint clearance, child abuse certification, SAVE certification, and NYIT transcripts. Detailed information can be found at the NYS Education Department website.

2. Requirements for Permanent Certification: School Counselor

Additional coursework is available for post-masters students seeking permanent certification, which is to be renamed professional certification effective September 1, 2021, as a school counselor. Permanent certification requires an additional 12 credits (beyond the 48 credit masters degree). Permanent certification also currently requires two (2) years paid, full-time experience as a school counselor. The change to professional certification will continue to require the additional 12 credits of post-masters study, and three (3) years of full time employment experience as a school counselor.

Institutional recommendation upon completion of the Master's in School Counseling program is only for Provisional (Initial) Certification not Permanent Certification. After receiving Provisional Certification, you must have worked two years in an approved, full-time, paid Pupil Personnel position in order to be eligible and completed the additional graduate level credits necessary to bring you to 60 credits total. This requirement refers to any combination of experience, acceptable to the Commissioner, in one or more of the pupil personnel services: school attendance teacher, school counselor, school dental hygiene teacher, school nurse-teacher, school psychologist, and school social worker. Make sure the additional credits between your 48 credit masters and the 60 required credits are from an approved and registered Counseling masters program.

Go to the TEACH website to apply for permanent certification. If you have additional questions, please call the NYS TEACH system at 518.474.3901.

PLEASE NOTE: Changes in NYS credentialing are anticipated to take effect in 2021. Information will be updated as it becomes available.

Exit Criteria

1. E-Folio

Graduation criteria: In order to be awarded the masters degree each student must have a cumulative minimum GPA of 3.0. They must be in good academic and professional standing in the program, and have successfully completed the Practicum, Internship I and Internship II. In addition, students submit a comprehensive E-Portfolio showing professional growth and accomplishment. Students who have met all of the above requirements are approved for graduation, and can receive an institutional recommendation for applications for certification credentials.

Each Candidate completes the professional e-folio during the Internship (EDCO 740) class, prior to graduation. The E-folio is the "keystone" assignment for Internship II. Some components are developed throughout the program and are saved in TASKSTREAM. Guidelines are provided in both Internship I and Internship II.

The e-folio is completed and presented in the semester at the end of which graduation is anticipated.

2. Program Evaluation and Dissemination of Information

Student Course Evaluation: At the end of each semester each student completes a course evaluation for each course.

Supervisor Assessment: Site supervisors for practicum and internship students complete an assessment of each student and her/his progress. The assessment is conducted each semester.

Student Assessment of Internship Site: At the end of the internship experience, each student provides feedback regarding their experiences at the internship site.

Exit Interview Survey: Each graduate meets with the department chair to complete an exit interview. This information is used to inform program, procedural, and policy decisions.

Alumni Survey: Every 3 years, alumni will be asked to complete an alumni survey, in which the program is evaluated.

Employer Survey: Every 3 years, employers of graduates will be asked to complete a survey in which the program and the alumni are evaluated.

Dissemination of Program Information: There are multiple means by which program information is disseminated. Updates are sent out regularly on the school counseling list serve and posted on the school counseling website. Alumni receive information from the alumni office and department.

Program information and announcements are posted on our website.

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Appendix A – Ethical & Professional Guidelines

The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) and the American Counseling Association (ACA) provide discipline-specific guidelines which are introduced, distributed, and reviewed during students' first semester (Foundations of Counseling and Introduction to School Counseling. View the ASCA's Ethical Standards (2016) and the ACA Code of Ethics (2014). In addition, general program ethical and professional guidelines to which all students are expected to adhere include:

  1. Respect of and adherence to professional standards, and state laws.
  2. Awareness of and compliance with university program and field policies and protocols.
  3. Conformity to stated research protocols, Human subject review criteria and guidelines.
  4. Use of appropriate professional dress and language.
  5. Maintenance of role consistent with graduate students in training.
  6. Demonstration of professional behavior when working with NYIT peers, faculty, and staff.
  7. Demonstration of responsible behavior regarding classes and site commitments:
    1. Appropriate notification and limited amount of absences.
    2. Active involvement in learning process, timely preparation of required work, participation and follow through.
    3. Receptiveness to feedback and demonstration of applying feedback in course work, on school sites, and in program related situation.
    4. Team player; collaboration ability.
    5. Initiative; responsible nature.
  8. Maintenance of professional boundaries:
    1. Preservation of confidentiality.
    2. Avoidance of dual relationships.
    3. Professional verbalizations and behavior.
  9. Completion of required NYSED modules in:
    1. Mandated Reporter Child Abuse Training.
    2. Safe Schools and Violence Prevention Training.
    3. Dignity for All Students Act (DASA).
  10. Acquisition of ASCA or ACA membership. Encouragement of additional professional organization memberships specific to counseling such as NYSSCA).Encouragement of honor society membership, Chi Sigma Iota.
  11. Procurement of professional liability insurance through ASCA or ACA.
  12. Fingerprint clearances are required for practicum and internship.
  13. Academic honesty including following APA guidelines to avoid plagiarism, never reusing assignments in different courses, and collaborating with classmates as a team player on group assignments.
  14. Respect for diversity and seeking cultural competence.

Appendix B – Candidate Statement of Understanding

Appendix C – Assessment of Student Progress: 1st Semester Evaluation

Appendix D – Student Remediation Plan

Appendix E – Student Advisement Form

Appendix F – Agreement Concerning Completion of an Incomplete Grade

Appendix G – Course Descriptions

Appendix H – Support Systems and Resources

Support for Students with Disabilities

NYIT adheres to the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and the rehabilitation Act of 1973, Section 504. In addition to monitoring compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other applicable laws, the Office of Accessibility Services actively supports students in the pursuit of their academic and career goals. All NYIT services pertaining to students with disabilities are coordinated by this office and are meant to foster a barrier-free academic environment.

Identification of oneself as an individual with disability is voluntary and confidential. The Office of Accessibility Services assists with referrals and support services, as well as sponsors activities to increase opportunities for employment, academic success, disability awareness, and knowledge of disability-related issues. Students wishing to receive accommodations, referrals and other services are encouraged to contact the Office of Accessibility Services as early in the semester as possible although requests can be made throughout the academic year. The academic requirements and procedures for students with disabilities are the same as for all other applicants. Students with disabilities who are considering applying to NYIT are invited to call the Office of Accessibility Services to discuss your individual concerns and needs.

Students whose disabilities require accommodations for placement exams must complete a Request for Accommodations Form and an intake interview with the Office of Accessibility Services prior to the placement exams. Appropriate accommodations will be worked out on a case-by-case basis and will not necessarily incorporate all requested changes. See Accommodation Policy for Students with Disabilities in the NYIT Student Handbook.

Reasonable accommodations are available for students who have a documented disability. Please notify your professor during the first week of class regarding accommodations needed for the course, specifically including testing modifications.

Students may contact Counseling and Wellness Services at the following locations and times:

Long Island
Student Activity Center, Room 307
Hours: Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m
(Evening hours are available by appointment)

New York City
33 West 60st Street, Room 311
Hours: Tuesday and Friday, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m
(Evening hours are available by appointment)

* Days subject to change, please call for an appointment.

Library Resources

All students can access the NYIT virtual library from both on and off campus. The same login you use to access NYIT e-mail and the Student Service HUB will also give you access to the library's resources from off campus.

On the library's home page, you will find the "Library Catalog," "Find Journals," "Research Guides," and select "Video Tutorials" to find information on using the library's resources and doing research.

Should you have any questions, please see Research Assistance, or submit a web-based Ask-A-Librarian form.

Writing Center

Provides tutorial assistance for all types of writing assignments and tasks. Long Island campus: 516.686.7557; New York City campus: 212.261.1577.

Health and Wellness

NYIT's Counseling and Wellness Center offers short-term counseling to NYIT students who may be experiencing personal, social, or academic concerns. Long Island campus: 516.686.7976; or New York City campus: 212.261.1770

Enrollment Services Center

The Enrollment Services Center (ESC) is a one-stop resource where you can get answers to your questions, take care of registration and financial needs, and learn more about all that NYIT has to offer. The ESC managers are trained to look at students holistically, anticipating issues before they arise, and making sure students always have the right information to keep their college career on track. Long Island campus: Harry Schure Hall, first floor. New York City campus: 16 W. 61st St., first floor. Phone: 516.686.7878 (both NY campuses)/E-mail:

Professional Association Websites

Appendix I – Candidate Dispositions

Appendix J – Program Faculty

Appendix K – Student Responsibility Form