Let Your Voices Be Heard: #DoublePell

July 14, 2021

Dear New York Tech Students,

New York Tech is currently working with several advocacy groups, including the NAICU, to urge Congress to double the maximum Pell Grant to $13,000. Doubling the Pell Grant is the single most important thing Congress can do to increase access to college and make it more affordable for low-income students.

New York Institute of Technology’s student body is one of the most diverse in the country (as reported by USA Today in 2020), and a good proportion of our students are the first in their families to attend college and/or come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Our students should not be penalized for choosing to attend a private institution of higher education.

As Assistant Provost Blake wrote to you earlier this week, one of the best ways to encourage Congress to address this critical need is to let your voices be heard. Whether you are a New York Tech Pell Grant recipient or seek to advocate for your fellow students, I ask that you consider speaking out in support of the effort to double the maximum award.

Here are some ways you can get involved:

  • Send an email to your members of Congress (your House member and both senators from your state) letting them know why the Pell Grant is so important to you and asking that they support efforts to double the maximum grant. The Take Action page of the #DoublePell website has a template email message you can use and a quick and easy way to send your message to Congress directly from that site.
  • Share your story on the Pell Voices page of the campaign website so others can see what the Pell Grant program means to you and how doubling the maximum award would help you.
  • Use your social media accounts to speak out in favor of doubling the maximum Pell Grant and encourage others to do the same. The Take Action page of the campaign website has some graphics you can use. Be sure to use #DoublePell in all of your posts.
  • Learn more about the importance of the Pell Grant program on the Resources page of the campaign website.
  • Ask your families and friends to get involved as well, by sending emails to their members of Congress and engaging via social media using the Take Action page.

Thank you for considering this request to help support efforts to double the maximum Pell Grant award.


Hank Foley, Ph.D.
President, New York Institute of Technology