Faculty Teaching Remotely

The transition to remote teaching can feel chaotic sometimes. See how some of your colleagues have made the transition.

Take a Tour of a Colleague's Course

Dr. Lissi Athanasiou-Krikelis, Assistant Professor, English

Lissi describes how she uses Blackboard to organize her course, and how she uses Zoom and VoiceThread to make the course interactive.

Dr. Bryan Gibb, Assistant Professor, Biological & Chemical Sciences

Bryan demonstrates how he sets up exams and quizzes in Blackboard, and describes how he is using VoiceThread for flipped-style lectures so he can maximize interaction in the Zoom classroom.

Dr. Rosemary Gallagher, Associate Professor, Physical Therapy

Rosemary walks through how she sets up her course in Blackboard and describes what can easily be ported over from a traditional course.

Dr. Eric Greenberg, Assistant Professor, Physical Therapy, and Dr. Lori Hochman, Assistant Professor, Physical Therapy

Eric discusses how to use Zoom to teach remotely. A thorough walk-through of the features is followed by a discussion of how to teach effectively with Zoom, and how to use it to supplement asynchronous teaching.

Dr. Melissa Huey, Assistant Professor, Behavioral Sciences

Melissa uses screenshots to show how she conducts her course remotely using Zoom and Blackboard.

Consult Your Colleagues

Many faculty members have generously stepped forward to offer their services as consultants. The faculty members below have each identified areas of expertise and invite you to contact them via email.

I need help with...

Blackboard Announcements

Blackboard Assignments

Blackboard Discussions

Blackboard GradeBook

Blackboard Tests and Quizzes

Poll Everywhere


Using Google Docs/Drive



Volunteer to be a Consultant

Many of you are skilled with these technologies, and have stepped forward to offer to help others. We are so grateful! If you have expertise and are willing to share it, please complete this very brief (3 questions) Google Form and let us know how you can help: http://bit.ly/yesicanhelp


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