Remote Work Arrangements

Policy and Procedures

New York Tech’s Remote Work Policy allows for remote work arrangements for certain employee positions, with agreement by the employee and the supervisor, and approval by the applicable vice president and the Office of Human Resources. Employees and supervisors are required to review and comply with the Remote Work Policy and Remote Work Equipment, Resources, and Technology Guidelines. Once the supervisor and vice president have determined the appropriateness of a remote work arrangement and the supervisor and employee have set a proposed schedule for the days and hours of remote work, the arrangement must be approved by Human Resources. Remote work arrangements require the execution of the Remote Work Agreement via the Upload Remote Work Agreement form. All agreements for remote work must be approved and signed by the employee’s supervisor and vice president before submission to the Office of Human Resources.

New York Tech recognizes that all employees may not have home or other workspaces consistent with this policy, and New York Tech is committed to working with employees as necessary to ensure equitable implementation of this policy.

If you have questions regarding New York Tech’s Remote Work Policy, please contact the Office of Human Resources at

Equipment and Workspace


Refer to the Remote Work Equipment, Resources, and Technology Guidelines. For additional information, log into and select the "Working Remotely" tile. Select "Intro Guide To Working From Anywhere" for general instructions or to find information on accessing resources such as Canvas, VoiceThread, and Zoom.

Ergonomic Workspace

Employees are strongly encouraged to maintain an ergonomically appropriate and safe home workspace. Here are some resources that may assist you while working from home:

Email Mark Guglioti, associate professor of Physical Therapy, at for additional workspace assessments and guidance.

Managing Remote Workers and Resources

We encourage everyone to utilize the wide variety of resources offered by New York Tech!

Resources for Managing Remote Workers

Additional Training

Training and resources are available on various topics, including remote work and technology. Employees can access these training opportunities and resources from LinkedIn Learning, UnitedHealthcare, and New York Tech Zoom.

Virtual Training for Remote Working - Optimize working remotely and discover how to be productive and stay connected when working from home or other remote environments.

Other Resources for Remote Workers and Supervisors:

  • Working from Home Tips for Success 

    Set a routine: Get fully ready for the day and pretend you're actually going into the office. Getting dressed, eating breakfast or taking a brisk walk before diving in to work can help you focus. Try to structure your day like you would in the office. If you know you work best in the morning, work on harder, more important tasks in the morning hours. Use slower points of your day to complete easier, logistical tasks.

    Maintain a dedicated workspace: Dedicate a specific room or surface in your home to work. This way you don't waste energy getting physically set up every day. Also, having a place you go specifically to work helps you separate home life from work life. Check out this PowerPoinnt presentation on workstation ergonomic and injury prevention tips.

    Take breaks: Allow for personal time: Set an alarm or timer to remind you that it's time to get up, stretch, grab a coffee, or head to the kitchen to make breakfast or lunch. Your eyes and your brain need those short moments away.

    Maintain relationships: Keep in touch with coworkers as much as possible. Using Zoom to stay connected with coworkers can make a huge difference, especially when feeling isolated from being cooped up inside all day.

    Learn teleconferencing etiquette: Use the mute button if you are not talking during a meeting. This way you don't have to worry about background noise coming from pets or other members in your household. Use headphones or call in using your phone so people can hear you better. Sometimes the voice quality is better on these tools than on the computers. Consider dressing as if you are working in the office when you will be on video calls. Also refer to the following recommendation from Zoom.

    Communicate expectations with others at home: Make it clear to others in your home that you are working and don't want to be disturbed (e.g. wear headphones, close your door, etc.). Getting distracted while at home can make you lose your focus and it can be frustrating to get back on track.

    Manage expectations: There will be a learning curve with working from home. Be clear about what can be accomplished from home. Talk with others about what works and what doesn't and what is needed to get the job done.

  • How to Work From Home: 20 Tips From People Who Do It Successfully
  • 8 Tips To Make Working From Home Work For You
  • 5 Tips for Staying Productive and Mentally Healthy While You're Working From Home
  • 20 Tips for Working From Home

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