Spotlight on Faculty Tenures and Promotions for 2023-2024
June 27, 2023
As New York Tech prepares for the 2023-2024 academic year, several faculty members were recognized for their outstanding teaching, scholarship, service, and commitment to the university and its students through tenure and promotions approved at the Board of Trustees meeting held on May 17.
“These talented faculty have excelled in their work. They have excelled in their research and scholarship and have shown their dedication to educate our students and prepare graduates for a life-long pursuit of achieving successful outcomes. They also have demonstrated a commitment to our university that will continue to enhance our reputation and position the institution for continued growth,” says Jerry Balentine, D.O., New York Tech provost and executive vice president.
The following tenures and/or promotions will become effective September 1, 2023:
College of Arts and Sciences
- Sophia Domokos, Ph.D., tenure and promotion to associate professor
- Minaz Fazal, Ph.D., tenure and promotion to associate professor
- Giovanni Meloni, Ph.D., tenure (Presidential Appointment)
College of Engineering and Computing Sciences
- Batu Chalise, Ph.D., tenure and promotion to associate professor
- Amin Milani Fard, Ph.D., promotion to associate professor (Vancouver)
- Xueqing (Summer) Huang, Ph.D., tenure and promotion to associate professor
- Azhar Ilyas, Ph.D., tenure and promotion to associate professor
- Ehsan Kamel, Ph.D., tenure and promotion to associate professor
College of Osteopathic Medicine
- Jason Bourke, Ph.D., promotion to associate professor (Jonesboro)
- Joanne Donoghue, Ph.D., promotion to professor
- Jonathan Geisler, Ph.D., promotion to professor
- Bernadette Riley, D.O., promotion to professor
- Akinobu Watanabe. Ph.D., promotion to associate professor
School of Architecture and Design
- Giovanni Santamaria, Ph.D., promotion to professor
- Nader Vossoughian, Ph.D., promotion to professor
School of Health Professions
- Teresa Ingenito, D.P.T., promotion to clinical associate professor
- Pamela Karp, Ed.D., tenure and promotion to associate professor
- Sara Winter, tenure and promotion to associate professor
School of Management
- Bisrat Kinfemichael, Ph.D., tenure and promotion to associate professor
- Eduardo Rivera, promotion to Librarian III
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