Funding Sources

U.S. Department of Energy

See the SULI and VFP website for program announcements and funding deadlines.

National Endowment for the Humanities

New York City Department of Design and Construction Town+Gown

We are a member of the Town and Gown Advisory Council. Please visit the NYC-DDC website for additional information.

Electronic Resources

Sponsored Programs Information Network (SPIN) from InfoEd Global is a search engine that offers a variety of search modes: simple, advanced, and/or saved for re-use. Links to daily updates are available on the simple search page. This utility is only available to registered users.

The NIH Guide to Grants and Contracts is a weekly announcement of programs, Requests for Applications, Requests for Proposals, and notices from the National Institutes of Health. Sign up to have the Guide e-mailed to you directly.

The National Science Foundation offers an updated information and links to all kinds of announcements from the agency, including upcoming deadlines for grant programs. You can see the upcoming due dates at the NSF Web site.

How to create and assign AOR Access to proposals in Fastlane

The Foundation Center's Philanthropy News Digest publishes an RFP bulletin, which includes information about private funding sources in a wide variety of fields. Visit the site to register to receive the RFP alerts.

The United States Department of Education publishes news and announcements on a variety of subjects, including grant opportunities. Visit the Department's site for more information.

Federal Grants

Federal Agencies and Offices

New York State

Elementary, Middle, Secondary and Continuing Education

Private Funding


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