
Finding a job and building a career can be a daunting task. But whether you're looking for an internship, full-time job, or don't even know where to start, Handshake is here to help!
Current Students & Alumni
Use Handshake to schedule an appointment with a career adviser, upload your resume, search for employers, apply for jobs and internships, view events and fairs, and access career resources.
If you graduated recently, be sure to update your Handshake profile with your non-NYIT email address to continue using Handshake after you graduate. Alumni having trouble accessing Handshake? Email us at career@nyit.edu.
Employers & Community Partners
Join us on Handshake. Post jobs, internships, sign up for on-campus events, and view resumes to get the right candidate for you.
Faculty Members
Be in the know about jobs and internships posted daily, view employers attending recruiting events, search the employer directory, and view our database from your student's perspective. Request an account via handshake@nyit.edu. Include your full name, department, and phone number.
Questions About Handshake?
- Contact us at handshake@nyit.edu.
Advice from Career Success and Experiential Education and the Department of Labor
Beware of apparent job postings or “opportunities” you may see on websites, bulletin boards, and other locations that seem too good to be true, especially if it requires an initial “registration fee” or “initial investment” to be considered, and NEVER wire money to someone for an upfront fee. Check with the Better Business Bureau and the Attorney General's office in the state where the business or employer is located for more information. Just as you must be alert for email phishing scams and other dangers on the internet, you must also be aware of employment scams that prey on the unwary. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is! If you have been scammed, contact the New York State Attorney General's office to report it.
If you believe you have been hired as unpaid interns unlawfully you do have legal recourse. Please be advised that a student's service as an intern for no wages may be a violation of the Labor Law by the employer, and upon the completion of the internship you can file a claim with the New York State Department of Labor, Division of Labor Standards. Be sure to keep copies of any materials that you produce so that there will be evidence for the division's investigation, including time sheets and a log of daily responsibilities requested of the employer. For more information, contact the New York State Department of Labor, Division of Labor Standards, 75 Varick St., seventh floor, New York, NY, or call them at 212.775.3719.