Curriculum Management

2023–2024 Meeting Dates and Document Submission Deadlines

Submit documents to the Office of Academic Affairs no later than… For consideration at the Curriculum Committee meeting on… And for consideration at the Academic Senate meeting on…

August 18, 2023

September 8, 2023

September 29, 2023

September 22, 2023

October 13, 2023

December 1, 2023

October 20, 2023

November 10, 2023

December 1, 2023

December 8, 2023

January 26, 2024

February 9, 2024

February 2, 2024

February 23, 2024

March 29, 2024

March 22, 2024

April 12, 2024

May 3, 2024

See below for the new NYSED e-forms for new program proposals, new certificates or advanced certificates, and adding distance education to an existing program.


Download the Curriculum Committee Procedures. Prior to any curriculum development, it is critical that the program proposers follow the Curriculum Development Process steps (as found in the Procedures) and obtain the prior approval of the Provost before proceeding. Please also note NYSED's policy statement on Liberal Arts & Sciences (for undergraduate degree programs only).

New Degree or credit-bearing certificate program:

  1. Full proposal including cover page and all relevant NYSED documents
    • NYSED Proposal Form
    • (If applicable) NYSED Adding Distance Education Option
    • (If applicable) NYSED External Reviewer Forms*
    • (If applicable) NYSED Master Plan Amendment
  2. Preliminary Analysis Criteria for new Curriculum Proposals
  3. Five-year budget plan spreadsheet (xls)
  4. I-17 Template for approval to enroll international students (Please complete yellow highlighted sections. You may use this I-17 sample for guidance.)
  5. Complete degree map

*An Expert Review and Response to External Review is required if the proposal falls into any of the following four categories: Special accreditation agency exists for the subject matter of the program but accreditation will not be sought; the program’s subject matter represents a new or emerging field; the program is in an allied health area unless the institution can demonstrate that the program is accredited by an accrediting body for college-level programs in the field; the program is a graduate program below the doctoral level.

The external review process requires an evaluation of the program by a recognized expert in the field and your response to that evaluation, along with any resulting modifications that were made to the proposal in response to reviewer feedback. A CV and conflict of interest form, signed by the reviewer, must also be submitted.

Existing degree or certificate


The following program registration actions must be submitted to NY State Education Department (NYSED):

  • Registration of a new degree program
  • Registration of a new certificate or advanced certificate program
  • Addition of the distance education format to a new or existing registered program
  • Specified program modifications for general academic programs and educator programs
  • Program modifications for professional licensure or related programs, as determined in consultation with the NYSED Professional Education Program Review Unit

New York Tech Curriculum Documents


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